What in the world are you basing that on? McCain has been on an eight-year jihad against conservatism, the constitution and US sovereignty. Nothing Romney has done can even comes close to the damage McCain initiated and co-authored with his bi-partisan assault on the First Amendment with the Senate's biggest leftist, Russ Feingold. And that's saying nothing of the votes against tax-cuts, amnesty for illegals, teaming with Joe Lieberman to attack gun rights, his charter membership in the Church of Global Warming, his promise to shut down Gitmo and transfer the combatants to Leavenworth, his repeated votes against drilling in ANWAR, the Gang of 14, water-boarding, his campaigning for pro-abortion Democrats in California, campaigning with Americans for Gun Safety (an anti-2A group) in Colorado, etc., etc., etc.
How blind does one have to be to not see that damage McQueeg has gleefully, repeatedly inflicted on the conservative movement?
And somehow, you claim to not support McCain, yet you can barely bring yourself to say a critical word about him. You're all Romney, all the time. That's just bizarre.
You can say this over an over but apparently it doesn't matter because Romney is the evil uncle in the attic.