Another great video exposing the facts about Romney’s record. A few more truths about Willard the Myth.
*** Back in 2005, Romney was calling the McCain-Kennedy-Bush comprehensive immigration reform package, which btw included amnesty, “reasonable proposals”. Since that time Romney has unbelievably morphed into a Tancredo clone. Phony!
*** In 1994 Romney was trying to run to the left of Fat Ted Kennedy on the abortion issue. He says he had an epiphany a few years back and now calls himself pro-life. Yet he was still supporting a womans right to choose in 2002. Fraud!
*** Romney has stated, he would sign a federal assault weapons ban if it came to his desk. Recently, Romney said he was a lifetime hunter and supported the NRA his entire life. We now know that is BS. He joined the NRA in 2006! Liar!
*** Romney has a record of advancing homosexual rights, in a leading liberal state that has elected Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, election cycle after election cycle, decade after decade. Panderer!
*** Also, Romney has a long history of supporting campaign finance reform and restrictions even more stringent than McCain-Feingold legislation. He supported banning Political Action Committees (PACS) and called for a ten percent tax on campaign contributions, along with capping campaign spending on congressional elections. Hypocrite!
Romney’s only real accomplishment as Governor of Massachusetts was to propose the first ever statewide health care program in America. Romney wants the federal government to take over 1/7th of the US economy by shoving a version of his RomneyCare down the throats of the American people. Mandates, subsidies and regulations aren’t what the US health care system needs. That is the first step on the road to socialized medicine. Liberal!
Romney has a lousy track record on the issues. An unconservative track record. People who have chosen to follow him, are selling out to a cult candidate. Nothing conservative or constitutional about Willard the Myth.
You know what I think about Ruby Julie-Annie.
My first two choices are gone.
Huckabee is just another Arkansas governor who carries the Bible for the television cameras.
McCain is going to cost Republicans huge losses in the House and Senate. He will also lose the election.
Where the hell do you think we will be then?
Mitt’s schtick is getting old. It is not selling in spite of the efforts of his minions and the millions he has pumped into it.. He will be out of the race by Wednesday IMHO.
I hate to give Huck credit, but he came up with a good line. Mitt did not reach political puberty as a conservative until he was 60 years old. LOL