I watched the whole video. He’s being attacked for not being being pro-choice. He is defending himself as he can, knowing the liberalism of that electorate. His bottom line is that, despite his personal beliefs, he will not change the state’s policy. He obviously didn’t want to run on the issue, and that’s why his opponents tried so hard to hit him with it.
I held this talk against him before, but I have changed my mind.
He’s defending abortion. Even promoting it. And as governor he ultimately follows through by appointing a gaggle of liberal judges and instituting his infamous Planned Parenthood approved RomneyCare government subsidized forced health care plan that provides $50 co-pay abortions. Gay marriage was also instituted on his watch. Only state in the union to do so. He’s made great strides in implementing the liberal/socialist agenda.
But it’s not his fault. The liberals made him do it.