Too little too late . Dobson should feel like a fool for not backing Thompson from the start . Hope he enjoys McPain as the nominee ...
to read later
Hey Dobson.. your mouth is making noise.. you might want to see to that.
I wish he would have kept his overlarge pie-hole shut from the get-go. The whole situation would likely have been different now.
Flame away, evangelicals, now that I have attacked your Maximum Leader. I don’t really care.
I was disappointed in Dobson for refusing to support Thompson, who (along with Hunter) was the strongest pro-life conservative in the Presidential race.
However, Fred chose to be the “last to come to work and the first to leave.” And that is not a recipe for success in any area of life.
I have listened to Dobson for years. He is a pompous man with a very large ego. He is out of touch with middle America!