I don’t think it’s judgmental to point out sin. And the whole point of being Christian isn’t that we’re perfect non-sinners but we’re forgiven for them as we accept Christ and turn away from our sins.
If we are to say that sin is sin, gossip is gossip (even if we are saying something POSITIVE about somebody,) then judging is judging. Judging isn’t saying something false or negative, it is making a judgment.
That doesn’t mean that I disagree with the comments on this forum. It just means that we need to be sure we aren’t playing God’s role, Who is the ultimate Judge.
The Bible (Jesus, in this case) shows that the Pharisees knew the scripture and applied it literally and exactly according to what they had been taught, but Jesus turned that interpretation on its head.
Jesus has much to say about pointing our fingers at others because even little sins, tiny sins, cause the same separation from God that the big sins do.