But sometimes, they simply don’t even like each other anymore. I know a 30 year marriage that ended because the wife went through treatment for cancer, and her husband, well...refused to turn the theromstat down when she was burning up.
Nothing new, he’d always been like that...but something turned a corner inside her—— she realized she wasn’t happy, and really, neither was he.... they were stuck in a old habit and thought they had to stay in it.. They were constantly at odds...wanting different things and had no reason to be together, other than habit.
And no, she will tell you he’s still a very funny, intelligent guy who will make some woman very happy. Just not her.
That sets off all sorts of alarm bells with me. A "man" who won't sacrifice a bit of comfort for his seriously ill wife ...
I don't know about you, but I "have problems" with that.
And I'm speaking from personal, first hand experience.
Well, in a case like that, I suppose staying together will just breed unbearable bitterness. But I really hope that people make sure that it’s really that they just can’t viscerally stand each other, before throwing it all away.