If this were a REPUBLICAN, thier campaign would be OVER....
But, since it’s a CLINTON, it will just be swept under and IGNORED by our Mainstream media.
The advancement of the Gay Civil rights amendment, and “Equal Marriage” is just so much more important than little things like this, doncha’ know....
But, since its a CLINTON, it will just be swept under and IGNORED by our Mainstream media.
It truly is amazing that the so called MSM has any credibility with anybody any more! They made Dan Quayle out to be an idiot because he used an alternate spelling of potato but Democrats can spout absurdities all day long and they pay no attention. They went after W. with fake papers but ignore a thousand opportunities to go after Democrats with real evidence. How can there be one person left who believes anything form these people?
Nah, it’s just liberals who have given up thinking and make a high school dare of smoking pot to AMerica. there. Aristocratic spoiled lil’ do nuthin’ brats, all of ‘em.