True,panther.As the world gets worse,I find myself leaning to Christ and the reality that God’s love,not man’s sins and vanities, are the only things that are truly important.
It is extremely hard to be moral in an immoral or amoral world.I find myself self isolating more and more.Even on this board,all you have to do is go to the teenage sex with teachers topics to see how leering and hypocritical some of us”conservatives”can be.
And,yeah,I have been at fault a couple of times myself.The Devil never rests!
Great points!
Best bet is just live our lives...Christ knows we’re human and can’t help but to live in this world until it’s our time. I’ll screw up and I ask for forgiveness and understanding and try to learn and try to go on...
I’ve begun to focus on what’s right more often and this really helps. The older I get the more I also realize I’m one day closer to the end. Or the beginning, depending on your perspective!
I’m a hospice nurse and people ask all the time how I deal with such a depressing job...and believe me there are bad days I can’t describe...
but once you focus your perspective differently, it looks very differenet. Alleviating the suffering and making quality of life a priority and not the quantity of life, makes all the difference!
Even when they’re old and ready, sometimes you see people get more out of their life than any other time in their life!