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To: Recovering_Democrat

I’ll be writing in Hunter’s name...
>More Americans will suffer from terrorist attacks if a Democrat wins. <

>More Americans will suffer from terrorist attacks if our borders are not sealed. None of the candidates now running are very supportive of doing so. In fact several of them are downright hostile to the idea.

More taxes will be sucked from your paycheck—if you’re lucky to have one—if a Democrat wins.<

It will be the same with any of the liberal leaning repubs now running. None of them seem exceptional conservative when it comes to taxes and cutting spending.

>>More babies will die in the womb if a Democrat wins. <<

No more than will if a Republican wins. The president can not put a stop to abortion.

>More of your health care decisions will be decided by a bureaucrat in Washington if a Democrat wins. <

And too if Romney wins. Take a look at his current enforced health care in MA.

>>More of your nation’s security will be turned over to the cabal of clans at the United Nations if a Democrat wins. <<

The status quo will be maintained. George Bush seemed pretty married to them as well.

>>I hope you’ll reconsider.<<

I have and continue to weigh carefully everyone’s opinion here but haven’t read anything convincing me that it will be in my family’s favor or the country’s favor to vote for any of the rhinos currently running.

1,310 posted on 01/22/2008 4:19:36 PM PST by conservativegranny
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To: conservativegranny
Conservativegranny & all Mitt Bashers, Some of you remain steadfast in thinking Mitt is a RINO, that his principles he is campaigning upon are somehow left wing.

I hope those of you still trying to decide--without the vitriol and anger--will read some of this stuff I pulled off his "issues" page.

I know some will just dismiss it as rhetoric. But some of us will read it, and will choose to trust the man.

He is not pandering to the left, as a fellow FREEPer said to me the other day...he is running as a RIGHT WING REPUBLICAN. Imagine if the left-leaning appeals of John McCain, Mike Huckabee or Rudy Giuliani get them the Republican nomination....those three men have no reason whatsoever to support conservative voters. We already know they stand to the left of Mitt.

Anyway, granny, I've taken some of your responses to my last post and put some appropriate material beside it.

Good luck with your choice.

More Americans will suffer from terrorist attacks if our borders are not sealed. None of the candidates now running are very supportive of doing so. In fact several of them are downright hostile to the idea.


The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. has exploded in the last decade from 3 million to over 12 million. We must secure the border, implement an enforceable employer verification system, punish sanctuary cities and reject amnesty if we are to restore Americans’ faith in the rule of law.Challenges » | The Romney Plan »


CHALLENGE: The number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. has exploded in the last decade from 3 million to over 12 million. The increasing tide of illegal immigration has eroded Americans' faith in the rule of law, put great pressure on our health and education systems, and compromised our national security as our ability to secure our border is questioned around the world. This tide of illegal immigration has made a mockery of our legal immigration system and been fundamentally unfair to those legal immigrants who play by the rules as they wait patiently to pursue the American dream. Sanctuary cities, in particular, attract more illegal immigrants and increase the pressure on federal law enforcement and border control.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "The current system puts up a concrete wall to the best and brightest, yet those without skill or education are able to walk across the border. We must reform the current immigration laws so we can secure our borders, implement a mandatory biometrically-enabled and tamperproof documentation and employment-verification system, and increase legal immigration into America." (David Yepsen, Op-Ed, "So Far, Romney's Been Most Impressive Republican," Des Moines Register, 7/11/07) Back to Top »

The Romney Plan:

Stop Illegal Immigration

Secure The Border. Follow through on Congressional commitment to build a physical and technological fence along the southern border, and secure other points of entry.

Implement An Enforceable Employer Verification System. Issue a biometrically-enabled and tamperproof card to non-citizens and create a national database for non-citizens so employers can easily verify their legal status in this country.

Reject Amnesty. Do not give amnesty or any special pathway to those who have come to this country illegally.

Punish Sanctuary Cities. Cut back federal funding to cities that are "sanctuaries" for illegal immigrants and refuse to comply with federal law or aid federal law enforcement.

Improve Interior Enforcement. Provide resources to enforce immigration laws throughout the nation, and crackdown on employers who continue to hire illegals with stiffer fines and penalties.

Encourage Legal Immigration. Streamline the system to recruit and retain skilled workers and welcome the best and the brightest from around the world to our universities.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "I was at the San Diego border and met with our Border Patrol agents. They told me that more than a half of those that try and come across those fences are able to do so. They said there's no way to stop them at the border, unless you close down the magnets. And the magnets are sanctuary cities and having employers sign people up that have come here illegally to do work here. You have to end sanctuary cities. You have to cut back on federal funding to cities that continue to call themselves sanctuary cities and welcome people in, as New York has done. And you have to say to employers that hire people illegally, 'That's also going to be sanctioned.' This is the way we're going to have to finally end it. And the other key point is this, which is having amnesty and saying to individuals, as the mayor has said, if you come here and you're willing to work here and pay taxes, we'll sign you up. That's not the right message. We've got to enforce the law, welcoming legal immigration but ending illegal immigration." (Fox News, Republican Presidential Candidate Debate, Durham, NH, 9/5/07)

It will be the same with any of the liberal leaning repubs now running. None of them seem exceptional conservative when it comes to taxes and cutting spending.


Curbing Out of Control Federal Spending

Politicians from both parties in Washington, D.C. have spent too much money on too many programs for far too long. We must establish strict spending limit, conduct a stem-to-stern review of the federal government, reform entitlements and institute the line-item veto if we’re going to bring fiscal discipline and strong management back to Washington.Challenges » | The Romney Plan »


CHALLENGE: Politicians from both parties in Washington, D.C. have spent too much money on too many programs for far too long. The American people are sick and tired of out of control federal spending. Overspending has led to deficits and an increasing national debt. The competition for pork barrel spending and the prevailing practice of out of control earmarking has contributed greatly to a culture of corruption in Washington that has tarnished both parties and led to a lack of faith and trust in America's elected representatives.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "I had occasions to be in the turnaround business… And I'd like to get my hands on Washington. It needs to be taken completely apart, with every program and agency evaluated for effectiveness and efficiency. Every business does that or goes bankrupt. But Washington seems to get larger and larger every year." (Peter Hecht, "Political Conversion," Sacramento Bee, 3/15/07)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "I believe that we are overtaxed and government is overfed. Washington is spending too much money." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At Presidential Announcement, 2/13/07)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "Government is simply too big. State government is too big. The federal government is too big. It's spending too much. There's a lot we can do with efficiency and duplication. There's even more we can do by just simply cutting back on the scale of our government." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Club For Growth, 3/29/07) Back to Top »

The Romney Plan:

Bring Fiscal Discipline And Strong Management To Washington

Establish Strict Spending Limits. Veto domestic nondefense discretionary appropriations that increase spending by more than inflation minus one percent.

Conduct Stem-To-Stern Review. Re-examine and evaluate all federal spending programs to identify waste, duplication, and inefficiencies that can be eliminated.

Reform Entitlements. In a forthright and bipartisan manner, as President, Governor Romney will work with Congress to address the looming budget crisis caused by increasing entitlement spending.

Institute The Line-Item Veto. Give the President the same power held by most state governors, to veto individual elements of a spending bill and strip out unnecessary spending.

Give President Flexibility. Authorize the Executive Branch to spend up to 25 percent less than Congress appropriates for a given project or agency.

Restore Supermajority Requirement. Impose congressional rule requiring a three-fifths (60%) supermajority to pass any law that would raise taxes.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "Let me tell you, spending can be controlled. I know how to do it. I've done it before. We can control earmarks. We can control pork. We can put a cap on discretionary spending. I want to get in place and do a top-to-bottom review of every agency of government. I love doing that." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Club For Growth, 3/29/07)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "What I've said is domestic discretionary spending I will cap at inflation less one percent – so one percent less than inflation… if I get those bills on my desk and they're greater than that amount, I will veto them." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Club For Growth, 3/29/07)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "And I like vetoes. I vetoed a lot of things and we've got to have that happen. You know, people used to say to me in Massachusetts, 'Governor, you've had a lot of vetoes and a lot of them get overridden. Most of them get overridden. That weakens your power.' I said, 'Baloney. I want people to know what I stand for. And I'm going to veto items even if that 85% [Democratic] legislature goes out and spends it, I'm going to veto it to make sure people know what is right and what is wrong for the leadership in our state.'" (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Club For Growth, 3/29/07)

The president can not put a stop to abortion.



Confronting Threats to American Culture, Values, and Freedoms

The American values that have been at the heart of our historic rise to world leadership are being challenged everyday. We must promote a culture of life, protect America's children, and stop the erosion of America's basic freedoms.Challenges » | The Romney Plan »


Promoting A Culture Of Life

CHALLENGE: The American values that have been at the heart of our historic rise to world leadership are being challenged everyday. These include, among others, the institution of marriage, respect for life, and the protection of our children. To remain a superpower in the world we must continuously and vigorously reaffirm these key components that have led to America's greatness as a country.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "Last year the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court struck a blow against the family, as I'm sure you know. The court forgot that [traditional] marriage is first and foremost about nurturing and developing children. Its ruling meant that our society is supposed to be indifferent about whether children have a mother and a father." (Governor Mitt Romney, Boston Globe, 3/2/05)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At UPI, 2/26/05)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "What became clear during the cloning debate is how the harsh logic of an absolute right to abortion had cheapened the value of human life to the point that rational people saw a human embryo as nothing more than mere research material to be used, and then destroyed."

"My experience as Governor taught me firsthand that the threat to our culture is real and those in a position to do so must take action to defend it." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The National Right To Life Convention Forum, 7/15/07)

Supporting And Protecting America’s Children

CHALLENGE: Following the Columbine shootings, Peggy Noonan described our world as 'the ocean in which our children now swim.' Noonan described the ocean as a cesspool of violence, and sex, and drugs, and indolence, and perversions. She said that the boys who did the shooting had 'inhaled too deeply in the oceans in which they swam.'

At the same time that our children are being exposed to adult material at an alarming pace on television, through the Internet and on the radio, many communities have fewer and fewer people and places where parents and children can find refuge. We've seen the tremendous outpouring of support when tragedy strikes, but the number of people engaging in regular volunteer activities seems to be stagnant. According to 2006 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Corporation for National and Community Service, volunteer rates fell two percent from the previous year and were slightly lower than 2002, when data was first collected. This is a trend we cannot afford to continue.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "I'm concerned about the drug culture, concerned about the pornography, the violence, the sex, the perversions that they [children] see day-in day-out." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Iowa Republican Party Straw Poll, 8/11/07)

Erosion Of America’s Basic Freedoms

CHALLENGE:America's basic freedoms – including those guaranteed by the Bill of Rights – are under constant assault from activist judges and Congressional interference. Eviscerating our core freedoms and Constitutional rights in the name of amorphous principles sets a dangerous precedent.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "I have not spent a career in politics, but I know enough about the laws of this country, and the way Washington works, to understand that the McCain- Feingold law is riddled with shortcomings. Let's start with something basic: the American people should be free to advocate for their candidates and their positions without burdensome limitations." (Governor Mitt Romney, "The Fundamental Flaws in the McCain-Feingold Law",, 4/25/07)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "I believe the Second Amendment is about more than just self-defense or sport; it's about the basic freedom of lawful citizens to live their lives – to engage in the normal pursuits of society without the interference of the heavy hand of government."

Take a look at his current enforced health care in MA.



Reducing Spiraling Health Care Costs

Rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all, government-run system, we must recognize the importance of the role of the states in leading reform and the need for innovation in dealing with rising health care costs and the problem of the uninsured. By expanding and deregulating the private health insurance market, we can decrease costs and ensure that more Americans have access to affordable, portable, quality, private health insurance.Challenges » | The Romney Plan »


CHALLENGE: Health care costs are spiraling out of control. Tens of millions of Americans can't afford health insurance and millions more are worried about losing their coverage. Democrats believe that the solution to these problems is a one-size-fits-all, government-run, socialized health care system — a course that threatens medical progress and restricts free markets. They think that government can do a better job of choosing a doctor and making better health care decisions than individual Americans can. Reform of our health care system must address the twin problems of high costs and the uninsured while leaving in place the elements of our system that promote creativity, innovation, and consumer choice.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "[W]e need to find a way to reduce the rate of growth of spending in health care in our country – it's now 17 percent of our GDP. When I was a consultant in the insurance industry, some years ago in the 1980s, it was 11 percent. The idea it would get to 17 percent was unthinkable. And it continues to move northward." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Florida Medical Association, 8/24/07)

"The 45 million who don't have insurance – if they get sick they go to the emergency room for care. And that's not ideal care, as you know, it's not the preventative care they need, doesn't get them the prescription drugs to stave off an acute condition developing from a chronic condition.

And the cost of the health provided there at the emergency room is not paid for by them because they don't have insurance.Who's it paid for by? Well, by the people who do have insurance So not having insurance is not good for them, doesn't give them good quality health care – and it's not good for everybody else, because they're having to pay for it, through their taxes or their premiums. The problem of the uninsured is a problem for all Americans." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Florida Medical Association, 8/24/07) Back to Top »

The Romney Plan:

Use A Free Market, Federalist Approach To Make Quality, Affordable Health Insurance Available To Every American

Deregulate State Markets. Encourage states to eliminate the cumbersome insurance regulations that drive costs up and providers out of the market.

Fix The Tax Code. Level the playing field by making all health care expenses tax deductible, eliminating the special treatment afforded employer-provided health plans.

Stop The Free-Riders. Use some of the money currently spent on providing expensive "free care" for the uninsured at emergency rooms to instead help the truly needy buy private insurance.

Reform The Medical Liability System. Institute federal caps on non-economic and punitive damage awards to eliminate frivolous lawsuits and bring an end to the practice of defensive medicine.

Promote Innovation In Medicaid. Give states flexibility to spend their Medicaid dollars in whatever way they find most efficient and effective.

Bring Health Care Into The 21st Century. Improve quality and enhance transparency by introducing the same competitive forces that drive innovation in other sectors of the economy.

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "My plan would allow people to purchase private insurance, not government insurance. No government-managed health care and no increase in taxes." (Tim Rohwer, "Romney Visits Bluffs," Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil, 3/23/07)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "But we say let's rely on personal responsibility. Help people buy their own private insurance. Get our citizens insured, not with a government takeover, not with new taxes needed, but instead with a free marketbased system that gets all of our citizens in the system. No more free rides." (ABC, Republican Presidential Debate, Des Moines, IA, 8/5/07)

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "Conservative principles have the answers for health care. I think I'm going to be able to demonstrate to you today the conservative principles of personal responsibility and free market dynamics and choice and personal care – these kinds of elements allow us to reform health care in such a way that we can solve the problems that America faces in health care without having a government takeover, without having socialized medicine with all its drawbacks and all its weaknesses." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Florida Medical Association, 8/24/07)

1,369 posted on 01/22/2008 5:20:18 PM PST by Recovering_Democrat ((I am SO glad to no longer be associated with the party of Dependence on Government!))
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