confirms the fear by including zero conservative content.
A real stretch, or you aren’t listening, or you don’t choose to believe what you aren’t hearing. There are three candidates who stand for the right border security and no amnesty, who are right on Iraq, who believe in making the Bush tax cuts permanent, and a host of other ideas completely 180 degrees opposite to principles espoused by the democrat party. You are listening to way to much Mainstream Media IMHO, if you believe otherwise.
The three candidates are not McCain or Huckabee, Ron Paul could be considered a fourth except he is off the wall on Iraq and the war against Radical Islam. Anyone who thinks that the principles of the democrat party are the same as the Republican, has not bothered to read the party platform, and until it changes I’ll choose the Republican.
Near as I can tell, assuming you've written Fred off, your three candidates are Romney.
Not entirely bad, but be careful what you wish for.