Is he a Reverend? If not, can we talk about specific policies concerning the war on terror and immigration? This feel good speech is nothing but a jerk off.
Since when is Obama a preacher man? I ask you. He’s been in the pulpit an awful lot lately. So much for the Dem’s much vaunted separation of church and state. And what about the laws against politicking in churches. Oh yeah, that’s right, blacks can do it, whites can’t. So much for equality.
Yes, I believe he has a religious background.
So does does the Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Reverend Al Sharpton. I think that he is more similar to them that many would think, and that includes his foreign policy and immigration.
I’m not giving him a pass on this play at religious politics. I think it is bad for the health of our political system whether done by Democrats or Republicans. I wouldn’t vote for John F Kerry because he was (NOMINALLY) Catholic but against him because his ideas and history were an anathema.
In the end, cheap religious theatrics will hurt the real, important place of religion in our shared American judeo-christian culture.