Congressional spending is another topic requiring another solution.
Maybe one thing at a time?
Some congressman at one time proposed that Congress be required to cite Constitutional authority for any bill that they proposed.
I like the idea. Congress didn’t.
For whatever tweaks the FT might need, it can drastically reduce or eliminate the IRS. That is a notable accomplishment in itself. Next would be dismantling the BATF and folding any legitimate duties into existing agencies. But again, another topic and another solution needed.
Sure. Where's the paretoed list?
Reducing gov't size (or say, controlling the borders) is way up the list compared to replacing the IRS with an expanded Social Security Administration and a new (NEW agency name here) agency to collect the sales tax and do audits and stuff like that.
Neal Boortz (the author of the FairTax Book) once authored a document for the Georgia State Legislature that stated "by signing this document for this legislation this legislator feels that he and his fellow legislators know better how to spend taxpayers' money than do the taxpayers".
Needless to say it wasn't adopted by the legislature.