The clown that analyzed the life-cycle of the T-shirt was a hoot, too. Life span washings by this expert’s count was 25 cycles. I’ll bet I have underwear older than this environmental expert - and mine is worn once and washed 52 times a year.
Environmentalists are the new used car salesmen.
Excellent catch. I didn't notice that. I had briefs that were 10 years old in some cases that I recently threw out mostly because they were just tired, not because they were worn out or worn through (any further description falls into the category of TMI, I know).
Further proof that reporters can't do simple math, or much of anything that involves dealing with real facts and figures. That's why they fall prey to the enviro-nuts and Marxist economists who make up much of the Democrat Party and the eco-movement.
You beat me to it.
But on a serious note, if this is the way the carbon footprint baseline is calculated, the only clear solution is to become democrats and stop washing our underwear. The hidden agenda of the Algorites is becoming clear.