Huckabee opposes abortion and gay rights. Those are the only two issues that he is conservative on. All of the other issues make him a flaming liberal.
Yes. Those happen to be my bottom line issues, more important than anything else. But I STILL wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. A man who can lie about everything, and suck up corrupt money all over the place while governor, and even put up a fake "wedding registry" when he left office so he could get more free unreportable gifts, simply cannot be trusted on anything.
I think he'd sign a fetal stem cell research bill or appoint a flaming liberal to SCOTUS if it suited his political convenience at the time. There have been politicians--including Jesse Jackson and a number of other Democrats--who were strongly pro-life until the situation changed. And then they changed to please their bases. Huckabee's record on life issues is strong, certainly. But I don't trust him even on that, after seeing how he operates.