What does that have to do with my proposition that when Creationists present an either/or proposition, that either the Bible is true or evolution is true, that it will surely lead to some believers rejecting their faith entirely?
Why are some (but by no means all) Christians so determined to destroy the science of biology by attacking evolution? Is there a point to the endeavor?
If God can do what He will, then He could have easily created evolution. To deny that is to deny the infinite power of God. You are left with a disagreement over Bible interpretation in Genesis I. Bible interpretation fights have occurred within Christianity since the Bible was assembled several hundred years after Christ. Doctrine fights have resulted in hundreds of different "Christian" denominations, none of which can agree on the meaning of the Word of God.
I think Christians should work out their differences between the various interpretations held by different denominations, and then perhaps worry with attacking biology.
Oh, about your fruit fly story. That was almost a century ago. Do you think research confirming evolution ended there? Contradictory findings pop up in science all the time, so pointing out research from long ago that counters recent findings is pretty meaningless.
==If God can do what He will, then He could have easily created evolution.
Very true. But he could also have created ex nihilo. The Bible says He created ex nihilo. Thus, the scientific method should be used to find out if the physical evidence supports the Bible’s claims re: origins and cosmological history.