All the histone modification and DNA modification (epigentics) is a function of the DNA sequence being bound or modified, and the DNA that coded for the histone, or the DNA methylase, or the histone acetyl transferase, etc.
Do you see what I am getting at?
What is the problem? Are you afraid some ID proponent will come along and try and make hay out of it? Is that what your incessant denial is all about?
You ask;
I have attempted to explain, and have provided links to support my demurral from your position. If that is not enough, perhaps you should(?) re-read the information, and follow some of the links there, for further study, etc.
If you can't figuratively hear the backbeats and counter-melodies the orchestra is playing [since you seem to be too busy proclaiming "it's still only one song"] I'll just have to assume you are being willfully tone-deaf on this issue.
Good day, sir...