>>”How are the Huckabee supporters going to spin this?”<<
Concerning Huckabee’s “campaign rhetoric,” arguably the greatest means by which government interferes in the economic and private lives of citizens is by its constant manipulation of the income tax code. Huckabee supports the Fair Tax which, if implemented properly, would do more to get government out of our lives than any proposal I can think of currently being made by the other candidates. But Huckabee is the anti-Reagan?
By the way, I’m not trying to start a discussion on whether or not the Fair Tax will work, or whether the rate needs to be higher or lower. I’m just pointing out that the 16th amendment has generated more government interference in our lives than could have been imagined by its creators, and Huckabee’s answer is to do away with it. Reagan, I suspect, would approve, especially if he could see how easily his successful efforts to lower income tax rates were later reversed.
I’ve decided that the Republican establishment has been bought and paid for by Romney, but I can’t believe how many people can be so easily led down his garden path to socialism. Rush claims to be neutral but piles on both McCain and Huckabee when the only apparently viable candidate (at the time...could yet change) was Romney. Ditto for Hannity and the editors at the Wall Street Journal as well as numerous other conservative publication.
Well, maybe we’ll let Romney buy the Republican nomination without objection, but if RomneyCare is any indication of the future direction of the country, it won’t be pretty. The pity is that if conservative leaders would actually give Huckabee a chance, they’d come to realize that his proposals are far closer to Reaganism than anyone else’s (except Thompson) but I guess he just isn’t “big business” enough for them.
I’m not looking forward to four years of Democratic control, but if we go with Romney, that’s exactly what we’re going to get because he’s the epitome of Mr. Big Business, himself.
Or, I suppose we could just jump ship before the election and nominate McCain, in which case it won’t matter who wins the general election because we get a liberal either way.
Challenge: Someone cite one piece of Huckabee’s “campaign rhetoric” that you find so liberal. I’d like to consider it. And please don’t do a data-dump of all the supposed liberal sins he committed as Governor. Cite what he’s saying he’s going to do when President. Thank you.
Yeah, right, I'll judge him on his promises, not his actual performance. NOT! I was born at night, but it wasn't last night....