Forgot about that. Will use.
Hey, you know O was adamant on not getting rid of Partial Birth Abortion in Illinois to a satanic level. Sure all the way lefters would back it because ‘it could end all abortion and run them to the hangers’, but most know that’s just ridiculous. The head of Planned Parenthood made a mistake twice in the press (paper and vid clip), on how they had met with Obama about it ahead of time and told him he could vote present instead of against to keep the heat off his career; She stated to him that their base would be angry for him not voting against, but it was best for him to move up the chain for more important things.
Dang, I wish Rezko’s trial was before February... but Levine’s talking, and O has to be nervous.
Check this out re: McCain/Kos dems
They said they would do this too. I don’t like them manipulating our side of the aisle. Are all of them independents?
Now that’s interesting.
I've read a little about that. B.O.'s stance on this is chilling. Bone chilling.