The liberals love this kind of stuff. The left wing blogs can use his comments out of context to imply conservatives want a theocracy. Huck is a really a moron.
Heck (Huck?), they can even use his comments in context to imply conservatives want a theocracy.
In Huckabee's case, the liberals would be right.
As a practicing devout church-going Baptist who is apalled at the awful US culture, I am scared senseless that the GOP will nominate this "Christian-first" candidate like Huckabee.
It is one thing to be a political leader (like GWB) who is an American first yet remains proud and supportive of Christian faith and values.
Huckabee is running for office as a way to PROMOTE and show off his Christianity to the rest of the nation and the world.
There is a big difference.
Jewish Republicans and secular conservatives are rightly scared of Huckabee. (Michael Medved not withstanding)