This is one of two parallel routes the DNC will take to get Obama out of the way.
I’ve been waiting for Jesse and Al to spin black voters about why Obama is NOT the right guy. Noting current Obama popularity, I’m betting BET founder Bob Johnson was sent out first to test the waters.
Alternatively, to discourage white voters, the DNC is desparately looking for the eyewitness to a cocaine sale by Obama.
I see a coming face-off with Oprah....
There is a huge and widening gulf between factions of Americans of African descent coming, and it does not bode well for Herself, the Cold and Joyless. If Herself captures anything less than 50% of the black vote, it may indicate that the “charm” of the “Former Occupant of the Oval Office, 1993-2001” is fast wearing off.
Although the Rev. Jackson himself is straddling the fence weighing whom he’s going to get the biggest payoff from, his son, Congressman JJ, Jr. is backing Obama.
But didn't Bubba, er I mean the former President, and Sharpton get in a squbble?
Hillary has promised that her administration will not prosecute graft. That has locked in the black leadership.
A white woman getting the support of the black leadership over a black man. Amazing.