Gus worked as a management consultant in Bain & Company’s technology practice. Prior to Bain, Gus served as an engineering and business development manager at DEC’s Alpha Microprocessor Division. Previously, he worked at Goldman Sachs.
Gus Tai is in the background everywhere in this ID bs. From company to company to company.
I have that site bookmarked. I have many with Tai saved.
Digital Equipment Corporation was a pioneering American company in the computer industry. It is often referred to within the computing industry as DEC. (This acronym was frequently officially used by Digital itself,[1] but the official name was always DIGITAL.) Its PDP and VAX products were arguably the most popular minicomputers for the scientific and engineering communities during the 1970s and 1980s. DEC was acquired by Compaq in June 1998, which subsequently merged with Hewlett-Packard in May 2002. As of 2007 its product lines were still produced under the HP name. From 1957 until 1992 its headquarters was in an old woolen mill in Maynard, Massachusetts.