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To: 2CAVTrooper

“But back to Thompson.....Cough up some billing records, or phone records or better yet the real document.”

There are no billing records. Did make up Fred’s quotes? You seem to have different standards of evidence for different people.

As for the Tonton Macoutes - I am not a fan of vigilante justice. Aristide was the elected official whose job it was to instill rule of law. That’s something Haiti had very little of. Encouraging vigilante justice was questionable at best.

Even if Thompson was just trying to get the embargo lifted, as he claimed, why lift a finger for the scumbag Aristide?

A Marxist who was not much less violent and repressive than the Papa/Baby Doc regime.

In 1988, Aristide said, “American Imperialism has supported the Haitian government. Elections aren’t the answer, elections are a way for those in power to control people. The solution is revolution, first in the spirit of the Gospel; Jesus could not accept people going hungry. It is a conflict between classes, rich and poor. My role is to preach and organize....”

Aristide was kicked out of the Roman Catholic church for his Marxist “liberation” theology.

This is the guy that Thompson even lifted a finger for, for free?

“So are you saying that Thompson should have billed Aristide for one phone call? Hell most lawyers grant a free consultation.”

The call wasn’t WITH Aristide - it was TO John Sununu.

Fred had to file documents that he was going to lobby for a foreign government entity before he could make the call. Someone from Aristide’s camp spoke to him about what they wanted - Fred didn’t do this all on his own. That’s at least one other call and/or meeting that Fred never explained.

Lawyers turn down clients all the time. Why did he go through so much trouble to get the embargo lifted for this scumbag? A lot of unanswered questions!

This is all public record - even without the document whose veracity you doubt.

400 posted on 01/11/2008 8:54:55 PM PST by GovernmentIsTheProblem (The GOP is "Whig"ing out.)
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To: GovernmentIsTheProblem

You just keep on trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill with your whining about 20 minutes worth of “work”.

It’s funny how all the Thompson “haters” try and rehash the same old BS that they try and smear him with time and time again.

You people did it to him in 94, and again in 96, and the same old BS has surfaced once again.

402 posted on 01/11/2008 9:30:33 PM PST by 2CAVTrooper (The next thing from the ron paullution supporters: Krystalnacht)
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