What percentage of illegal aliens would you assume to be uninsured? (Simply stating that in order for you to keep track of your assumptions).
data from the census bureau at:
indicates 10 million “non citizens” were included in the “uninsured” category for 2006.
What the data does not tell you about their methodology is that the “uninsured” includes millions who were “without coverage” for the brief periods during a change of jobs, simply because they chose not to take the COBRA coverage for that period.
While the data does report the 9+ million “uninsured” with incomes over 75K/year, it does not tell you how many of them are young, single and/or very well-off and without
coverage by choice.
There are many other anomalies in the data that are not identified by the bureau.
The census bureau’s reporting and lack of clarification on this important issue constitutes a public fraud.