What your saying is true and wonderful in a perfect world. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to nominate a true conservative, we may end up with Rudy or Romney or McCain. I don’t believe I would be violating any core principles by flipping the lever for one of them, distasteful as they may be, when the alternative is Hillary or Obama. Can you sit out the election knowing you might help to elect a democrat? Will you be okay with 2 or 3 Ruth Bader Ginsberg clones on the Court? With no response beyond arrest warrants if Al Quaida blows up the Sears Tower?
On a scale of 1 to 10, Thompson and Hunter might be 9’s or 10’s and Rudy/Romney/McCain might be a 4 or 5. But Hillary and Obama are big fat zeroes.
My big question is, what can we, the conservative voters, do, to make sure that the R leadership never ever can get away with a stunt like this again? Giving us such choices as completely do not represent most conservatives, to vote for as President?