So much for claims that Jesus is diminished by LDS theology.
BTW, why would Jesus cry out on Calvary asking, "My Father, why hath thou forsaken me?"
Why would God the Father refer to His Son, "In whom I am well-pleased" as Jesus emerged from the waters of baptism in the Jordan River?
And why would the young Jesus state that He was "about my Father's business" on the occasion of his teaching the scholars, rabbis, and "doctors" in the Temple?
You aren’t worth answering. You queries have been dealt with and put to rest on numerous other threads. You want answers, do dig them out ... that is the standard Mormon saw. Live with it. LOL ... That’s your cue to post ‘so you can’t answer, just throw insults.’ Bwahahahaha, or maybe you would rather threaten me? Gufaw gufaw.