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To: Godzilla
U Said: No more than your silly little picture, lent sooooo much to your argument.

Comic relief? But point taken, Grin.

U Said: Moslems do not make the claim to be Christian.

So? Christians do not claim to be Mormon? The point was you think you should have access to everything, how about the Vatican argument, you just going to ignore that?

U Said: Somebody cannot understand context

  1. the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect: You have misinterpreted my remark because you took it out of context.
  2. the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, etc.
  3. Mycology. the fleshy fibrous body of the pileus in mushrooms.
Got it. (grin)

U Said: Who actually visited Smith?

God the father and Jesus Christ, you can tell a story differently to different audiences, in fact a story told the same way is usually made up, and rehearsed, not spontaneous, these stories were being told spontaneously, so some variation is to be expected. Variations however should not conflict, just vary in details as these stories do.

U Said: If LDS leaders (including Smith) told the first vision story wrong,

It wasn't Wrong, it was just to differing audiences. (and I have pointed this out many times before, a story that is told to different police in exactly the same way is considered by them to be a fabrication...)

U Said: could they also be wrong about other LDS doctrines?

Sure, many church leaders have said inaccurate things in speeches or in private conversation, they are men called to be prophets and leaders, there is only one perfect exemplar (*Jesus Christ) that is why you have to limit "Authoritative" to Cannonized doctrine.

U Said: Mormons claim their apostles and prophets clarify God's message, but instead they have taught contradictory things about the first vision. Is God the author of confusion? (I Cor. 14:33.)

Well, we are all his creations, so...

But no, that is why we have authoritative sources, the Cannonized works. Show me any Church where some leader somewhere has not said something stupid / Doctrinally incorrect, or taken some action that had to be undone and I'll show you a really new church (like you just created it) and it'd be really small (like just you).

U Said: Which angel provided the plates

Moroni as the Cannonized work shows, you know, half of the time I get my own kids names wrong? The Catholics are the ones with the Infallibility of the Pope belief, not us, we believe God calls mortals complete with their flaws and foibles to be prophets. You are already pointing out some of Joseph Smiths, there are a lot more, to the whole list I say, So? God called him, God said so, it was an authoritative communication from him (because if fulfilled the promise for authenticity in 1st John 4:2) So what, can a man resist God? I have had a witness and I know it, and God knows it, I dare not deny it.

U Said: Did Moroni (or Nephi) or whoever visited Smith for the first time 1820/1823 preach the same gospel that Paul did in Galatians and the other epistles?

Yes, for it is the Gospel of God, too bad much was lost or changed in the Bible, or we'd be able to prove it better. (Not that we are doing to badly now...)

U Said: If Moroni did preach the same message as Paul did, we already had the message and therefore we do not need the bom.

Except that the message was not preserved, thus the need for a restoration.

U Said: if Moroni preached a different gospel than Paul did, he is under the curse of Gal. 1:8-9, "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."

Yeah, that's why I pity those who attended the Vote at Nicea where they changed the definition of God for the church, they will really wish they had just let Constantine kill them.

I Said: Show me one, just one scripture in the Bible that clearly says that Satan can answer a prayer to God. If you can prove that God is not able to keep Satan for answering in his stead, you will make an atheist of me.

U Said: Depends upon if you are really praying to the true God or the devil in disguise.
MT 4:9 "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."

I don't see a disguise... (If you pray to God, you are praying to God, even if you have some of the details wrong.)

U Said: You’ll have to show me which version of the ‘vision’ is correct from above 1st :) But in either case

Easy: The Cannonized First vision story.

U Said: Did Paul teach polytheism?

Neither do we, we no more preach polythiesm than the trinitarians do.

U Said: eternal progression?


U Said: polygamy?

No, but neither did he preach against it.

U Said: how about 11 year old elders?

I know the missionaries look young, but they aren't that young... (Elders are at least 19...)

U Said: the list can go on and on.

Yes, you do...

That does not make you or your list anymore accurate for it's or your length.

U Said: Smith fits Paul’s definition of a false apostle, deceitful workman, masquerading as an apostle of god.

So does every religious leader since Paul, in some way or another, luckily, there is a Test whereby we can know the truth of all things:

?First John 4:1-3
1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
I encourage everyone to Get a Book of Mormon, and Get a Bile, Read both Pray about Both, God will answer. That answer, as mine did, will contain a testimony of Jesus Christ, and thus you can know that it meets John's test of authenticity. Godzilla and I can't both be right here, and it is conceivable that we are both wrong! Don't thake the chance of "Guessing" wrong, ask God and be sure. Don't take my word for it, don't take his word for it, ask God.

I will however note that I am (again) the only one asking people to pray for an answer, Godzilla is telling people Satan may answer a prayer to God. Good luck with that Godzilla.

U Said: Oh yes, but you are on that god-progression thingie. I judged Smith by the standards of the Bible and found him lacking and a false prophet. Perhaps we could examine his accuracy if you really want to hmmmmm?

Yes, I know you are big on the Judging thing, I too have been judged by you on many threads an on many occasions, I'm sure your judgment of Joseph has as much effect on his salvation as your judgment of me will have on mine. I for one am not worried by your "Judegment" of me. The question you should be asking is how much will it effect your salvation, all this judging that you are doing can't be good for you.
I Said: A "Cannon" is a body of works officially recognized by a church as authoritative.

U Said: And teachings allowed to go on by PROPHETS and others of the General Authority, unrebuked by the same General Authority even today, then your PROPHETS don’t know what they are talking about, especially PROPHET PRIME Smith. If his teachings are in error, Mormonism has no living prophet.

Who said unrebuked? He got called in by the Living Prophet and asked not to print anymore of his factually inaccurate books. (for those of you in reolinda, that's a rebuke!) Later, they assigned another GA to give him Guidance on corrections and even then did not claim to have gotten everything, but figured it was better than what was "Out there" in his prior published version. I Said: Lurkers, somebody here is displaying a great lack of understanding of the real world.

U Said: Apart from the fact that DU is talking about himself again,

Once again, you are mistaken, I am the one person for sure who knows who and what I was talking about, again you assume you know far more than you do.

U Said: he dodges behind the glaring fact that he is saying that the highest Mormon prophet – Smith – didn’t know what he was talking about, believed or was understood the doctrine he established. Furthermore, this doctrine has not simply ‘believed’ but actually taught and endorsed by the General Authorities. Such is a defacto endorcement that the teaching is in line with canon. Colofornian did a pretty good job of deconstructing your argument here:

  1. Prophets do not come in ascending order.
  2. I never said Joseph did not know what he was talking about.
  3. I have said you don't know what you are talking about.
  4. You are not Joseph Smith.
U Said: To deny eternal progression is to deny a fundamental aspect of Mormon life. It is eternal progression that drives temple membership, weddings and other temple ordinances. You are also denying that you have living, breathing PROPHETS (a distinctive claim of Mormonism) that are in tune to God and speak his word, the fact that they have taught this for some 150 years as doctrine.

I have not denied eternal progression. With the Keen intellect, and powers of observation which you have displayed here, I can see why you are having trouble following ours, or anyone else's doctrine.

U Said: Are you denying that Smith was your greatest prophet and mouthpiece of God and that when he spoke as such his words were not doctrine?
Or do Mormons only accept those teachings as prophetically uttered when it is less objectionable to do so?

Um neither? (these silly do you poop your pants or droll down your chin type arguments are so silly since everyone who reads them knows it's going to be neither.)

Joseph Smith was a prophet of God called to open this the dispensation of the fullness of times. Does that make him the greatest prophet? Some may say so, but I am not aware of a ranking system in the Cannonized works of the church.

U Said: But then, whatever. He wants see that eternal progression and its logical constructs come from lds works, so be it. Key word search in the official lds website yields dozens on passages obliquely addressing this doctrine. Here are a few:

Eternal progression is Doctrinal, it's cannon, the specifics of whether or not God has a parent are not doctrinal, they are speculative. Are you guys deaf?

I'm going to drop the whole rest of your argument about why eternal progressin is Doctrine, because I agree that it is.

I will simply state state that God's parentage, or lack thereof has not been addressed in Cannonized works of the church, and request any citations specifically God's parents to prove me wrong...

< Skip a ton of blovation >

U Said: Your opinion isn’t canon and is worthless here as a Mormon viewpoint.

Your viewpoint as a non Mormon is worth less than mine as a Mormon, so your words are then less than worthless... they have negative value.

I Said: You are specifically incorrect too is the correct way to say this, you must not understand Christology for you disagree with me about it (LOL).

U Said: Pontificating doesn’t prove you argument, though it might make you feel better about your self.

In your post (# 404) you brought up "Christaology" it was such a fallacious argument that I had to laugh, but decided to parody it anyway, I am glad you now see that the pontificating way you were speaking does not make you right, it only makes you feel better. (Christology is not exactly a Mormon phrase, when someone uses your phrases back at you, they may be making fun of you, I know I am.)

I Said: It's there, just not as clear, fine if you want to allege that God doesn't fulfill his word, ….

With your cuts no lurker would know what the Sam hill we are talking about, that's the problem with your monster posts. Cut them down, or no one will read them, much less respond to them, wait, its that the point write such boring stuff and since your opponent can't red it without falling asleep, you win be default?

Well, it's an interesting approach to debate, I'll give you that much.

Now, the topic is whether Jesus has to do it all himself, in order to fulfill his work, I posted a link from the D&C and I will repost it here: D&C 1:38
38 What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my eservants, it is the same.
So, the question is "is it the same if a servant fulfills god' promises?"

I give you The Gospel of St. John 20:21 21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.

Jesus sends his disciple just as he has been sent, Jesus was commanded to teach the Gospel to the world, so he sent his disciples. You will of course reject this obvious example out of hand, but that will not stop it from being true.

U Said: I ask again – show me which MS has that nugget. Prove to me your superior intellect.

Form your post I cannot tell what nugget you want me to show, and if my intellect is superior, it is not mine, but him who sent me who's spirit animates my body and enlivens my fingers.

We were talking about Baptism for the dead and baptism being required I Said: God can do whatever he wants, he is all powerful. However, he has also said you must be baptized to enter the kingdom, so how do you reconcile that? (Do you make a special exception? chuckle)

U Said: Luke 23:42-42

There is no way for you or I to know if the Thief had been baptized, but Jesus knew.

Your argument fails here.

Other citations that are possible.

2 Pet. 3: 16
16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
You wrest the scriptures at your peril, it's not hat there aren't answers to the questions you are posing there are. The problem is two fold:
  1. You don't have the foundation necessary to understand the answers since you do not understand the fundamentals.
  2. You don't want to understand.
  3. Your posts are so big, that responding to them is a waste of time since no one will read these massive missives.
The truth is simple, The book of Mormon is a message from God, those who are ready to accept more of God's word will read, ponder and pray. Those who are not ready will "wrest the scriptures" to their own damnation.

I keep presenting truths here, truths like the spelling differences of different scribes, the list of over 3,000 changes with 90%+ being spelling, punctuation, and verses being added, I point out the corrections by Joseph to the scribe's errors on the manuscript that were never incorporated by the printer.

You drop this defeated argument and move to a new smear.

I send you to links that have refutation, and you admit you don't read them. I Quote huge sections from Hippolytus' works that back up my position complete with links, and you dismiss them because they don't agree with your preconceived notions of what happened long ago. You won't look at any evidence that supports the Book of Mormon, or Joseph.

I'll give the readers a few to chew on.

Chiasmus, a literary structure used in semetic writings, unknown in Joseph Smith's day, but the Book of moon is chock full of them Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon.

DNA and the Book of moon: Does DNA evidence refute the book of Mormon, and DNA and the Book of Mormon: A Phylogenetic Perspective

These two papers (among many) one from Doctor who specializes in DNA, Address the Straw man argument posed by those attempting to use DNA as a scientific "cloak" for their straw man debunk the whole issue.

You misquote my own scriptures at me, arranging scripture in ways that they are not in the book, thus you twist a the truth into a lie.

The doctrine of Eternal Progression is a Mormon doctrine.

God having a father is not.

Simple, pure fact, but that's not good enough for you, you dig up quotations (from uncannonized sources) and then say I don't agree with he brethren, when in fact, I am supporting the church. Every religion must be free to establish their own beliefs, not have them established by their opponents, or else we do not have freedom of religion in this country.

Godzilla, if you cannot stick to one topic, and make more cogent posts, I will begin to edit your posts in my responses for a single topic, and for brevity.

I will end this post with my testimony that I have read the Book of Mormon which you so decry, I prayed to God about it, he answered my prayer to him as the Bible promises he will do. The answer that I received told me the Book of Mormon is true, and that Jesus Christ is my savior and lived and died on this earth, for me. I testify to all who will read this that he lives, he lives who once was dead, and he will answer a sincere prayer from the heart.

Godzilla, you attack all the time, I have yet to see you testify as I just did. Is there a problem with asking you if you personally believe in the savior?
451 posted on 01/20/2008 9:28:10 AM PST by DelphiUser ("You can lead a man to knowledge, but you can't make him think")
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To: All
Ol' Joe telling a lie many ways is just due to the different audiences ... suuuuure, doesn't matter that the huge differences make all the difference, just swallow the deliciously sweet koolaid:

Joseph Smith's Changing
First Vision Accounts

Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, claimed that as a 14-year-old boy he had a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. The official account of this first vision found in Mormon Scripture (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith — History, 1:14-20) was not recorded by Joseph Smith until 1838, 18 years after the supposed event. However, for years before this, Joseph, and his close associates did talk about his early visionary experiences. These earlier accounts contain significant variations from the official First Vision account. The links below present these accounts in chronological order.

1827 — Account of Joseph Smith, Sr., and Joseph Smith, Jr., given to Willard Chase, as related in his 1833 affidavit.

1827 — Account by Martin Harris given to Rev. John Clark, as published in his book Gleanings by the Way, printed in 1842, pp. 222-229.

1830 — Interview of Joseph Smith by Peter Bauder, recounted by Bauder in his book The Kingdom and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, printed in 1834, pp. 36-38.

1832 — Earliest known attempt at an ‘official’ recounting of the ‘First Vision, from History, 1832, Joseph Smith Letterbook 1, pp.2,3, in the handwriting of Joseph Smith.

1834-35 — Oliver Cowdery, with Joseph Smith’s help, published the first history of Mormonism in the LDS periodical Messenger and Advocate, Kirtland, Ohio, Dec. 1834, vol.1, no.3

1835 — Account given by Joseph Smith to Joshua the Jewish minister, Joseph Smith Diary, Nov. 9, 1835.

1835 — Account given by Joseph Smith to Erastus Holmes on November 14, 1835, originally published in the Deseret News of Saturday May 29, 1852.

1838 — This account became the official version, now part of Mormon Scripture in the Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith — History, 1:7-20. Though written in 1838, it was not published until 1842 in Times and Season, March 15, 1842, vol. 3, no. 10, pp. 727-728, 748-749, 753.

1844 — Account in An Original History of the Religious Denominations at Present Existing in the United States, edited by Daniel Rupp. Joseph Smith wrote the chapter on Mormonism.

1859 — Interview with Martin Harris, Tiffany’s     Monthly, 1859, New York: Published by Joel     Tiffany, vol. v.—12, pp. 163-170.

452 posted on 01/20/2008 10:26:27 AM PST by MHGinTN (Believing they cannot be deceived, they cannot be convinced when they are deceived.)
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To: DelphiUser; Colofornian
So? Christians do not claim to be Mormon? The point was you think you should have access to everything, how about the Vatican argument, you just going to ignore that?

I can attend mass at St. Peters any time IÂ’m there. Meeting the Pope, like the President is completely different.

God the father and Jesus Christ, you can tell a story differently to different audiences, in fact a story told the same way is usually made up, and rehearsed, not spontaneous, these stories were being told spontaneously, so some variation is to be expected. Variations however should not conflict, just vary in details as these stories do. Stories not told in a consistent manner are generally false, not true.

How disingenuous. Doors 1 and 3 were SmithÂ’s own accounts, under his supervision, not off the cuff stories. The stories completely conflict as to location and date specifically. So which account from SmithÂ’s own words should we believe? Might pay attention to this following post from MHGinTN

It wasn't Wrong, it was just to differing audiences. (and I have pointed this out many times before, a story that is told to different police in exactly the same way is considered by them to be a fabrication...)
Sure, many church leaders have said inaccurate things in speeches or in private conversation, they are men called to be prophets and leaders, there is only one perfect exemplar (*Jesus Christ) that is why you have to limit "Authoritative" to Cannonized doctrine.

See above – Smith personally gave two completely different accounts of his first visitation, one the lds church canonized, the other they try to sweep under the rug. However, you still don’t seem to get it so let me use little words. The source of the Story – Smith – was unable with time to organize his thoughts and remember correctly, gave two (or more) completely conflicting stories. If he cannot get something as important as a first visitation right, it becomes increasingly doubtful if he got any thing else right either.

Show me any Church where some leader somewhere has not said something stupid / Doctrinally incorrect, or taken some action that had to be undone and I'll show you a really new church Â….

So the founder of mormonism, with respect to such a profound event in his life cannot even tell the same story – I guess you consider Smith to be stupid.

Moroni as the Cannonized work shows, you knowÂ….

Your ‘cannonized’ work P.of G.P. published in 1851 had Nephi, use was confirmed by an eyewitness – Smith’s own mother. So which cannon do you believe, the one that is most convient at the moment?

Yes, for it is the Gospel of God, too bad much was lost or changed in the Bible, or we'd be able to prove it better.

I’m still waiting to see textural proof of these alledged ‘changes’. Pray tell me what MS are you referring to?

Yeah, that's why I pity those who attended the Vote at Nicea where they changed the definition of God for the church, they will really wish they had just let Constantine kill them.

Except that vote reaffirmed the teachings of the Apostles, tough when you are wrong isnÂ’t it DU.

I don't see a disguise... (If you pray to God, you are praying to God, even if you have some of the details wrong.)

2Co 4:4 in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them.

Neither do we, we no more preach polythiesm than the trinitarians do.

Terrible to be caught in a lie isnÂ’t it. Mormons do PREACH polytheism as the clear quotes from Joseph Smith himself plus James Talmage (Articles of Faith) and Bruce McConkie (Mormon Doctrine) I posted previous plus many others I didnÂ’t make very plain.
Maybe you better pull up that on-line dictionary and look polytheism up.

U Said: polygamy?
No, but neither did he preach against it.

Yes he did preach against it.
1Co 7:2 But, because of fornications, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.
Eph 5:31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh.
Tit 1:6 if any man is blameless, the husband of one wife, having children that believe, who are not accused of riot or unruly.
Note that the singular is given here, not wives.

I encourage everyone to Get a Book of Mormon, and Get a Bile,(sic)

Yep, and my bile rose when I read it. Freudian slip on your part.

I will however note that I am (again) the only one asking people to pray for an answer, Godzilla is telling people Satan may answer a prayer to God. Good luck with that Godzilla.

The question is whether or not the bom is a valid ‘other testimony’. Just about every book in the New Testament contains a warning about false prophets and teachers bringing false gospels. They further warn against straying from the teachings documented in the letters. Furthermore, mormonism regards the Bible, absent any valid textural or MS documentation, as being corrupted. So if mormonism treats the Bible as suspect, one should question their motivations in this oft stated challenge. The book of mormon, OTOH, claims to represent a history of happenings here in America. DU has continually refused to respond to the absence of archaeological support to this claim. The bom was written by a man who was accused of swindling people, claiming to find treasure using a seer (or peep) stone. This same stone figures prominently in the writing of the bom. This same author has recited the tale of his first vision in a multitude of contradictory versions. This same author openly contradicted the bom in both his personal actions and teachings.

With that summarized, what should your response be? The Bereans examined the bible only to see if this new thing taught by Paul was valid.
Acts 17: 10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who when they were come thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so.
When they saw the truth of the Gospel, they accepted the message. Through evaluation of these points will show that the testimony of Smith is false and the bom is a fraud. The Bible makes it clear that Satan is the “god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them (2Co 4:4). He is the author of the bom, is that the ‘god’ who DU wants you want to pray to and stake your eternity on.

Who said unrebuked? Â…Â….

I refer all to DUÂ’s obfuscations on the subject with Colofornian at;page=441#441
who is much more eloquent at deconstructing your smokescreen.

Prophets do not come in ascending order.

He was your prophet of restoration, through whom most of your doctrines originated. The only other one who came as close was Young.

I never said Joseph did not know what he was talking about.

First of all you did in your very post to me, repeated here in the context of talking about Smith:
Show me any Church where some leader somewhere has not said something stupid / Doctrinally incorrect,

Furthermore, in discussing whether or not god had a father, you did not dispute the fact but then hid behind the worn out ‘but its not cannon’ cry, making it clear that Smith didn’t even know what he was talking about in regards to the very religion he founded.

I have said you don't know what you are talking about.

Just because you said it doesnÂ’t make it so

You are not Joseph Smith.

Oh pithy come back, but we have his history and written teachings.

I have not denied eternal progression.

No, you are denying Smiths prophetic word and the mormon perpetual teaching of it as such.

U Said: Are you denying that Smith was your greatest prophet and mouthpiece of God and that when he spoke as such his words were not doctrine? Or do Mormons only accept those teachings as prophetically uttered when it is less objectionable to do so?
Um neither? (these silly do you poop your pants or droll down your chin type arguments are so silly since everyone who reads them knows it's going to be neither.)

Such brilliant rhetoric! I repeat this because one would expect the person who heard god’s voice and produced the vast majority of these ‘doctrines’ would be the very best person and knowledgeable when teaching the masses based upon those same doctrines. The mormon church has taught this doctrine of god having a god since then. Makes the question very simple – either Smith (and all those who promulgate the teaching to this date) are wrong and haven’t a clue or by silence the General authorities have accepted it as doctrinal.

I will simply state state that God's parentage, or lack thereof has not been addressed in Cannonized works of the church, and request any citations specifically God's parents to prove me wrong...

As the keepers of doctrinal purity and the holder(s) of the office of prophet, their silence is affirmation – especially since they promulgate the teaching.

Skip a ton of blovation

Of course DU is passing over, to the casual observer, his statement that Smith’s doctrine on the necessity of god to have a father was ” irrelevant to our salvation directly contradicting Smith’s own pronouncement that it was essential for salvation. Furthermore, Smith specifically refuted that idea that God was God from all eternity. Again, Smith and every prophet and general authority on up has endorsed and promulgated this teaching.

He also skips some specific doctrinal/cannon references asked for as well as being caught agreeing with me that Jesus couldnÂ’t become a god until perfected, occurring only after his death.

In your post (# 404) you brought up "Christaology" it was such a fallacious argument Â…Â….

The term is technically specific regarding Christianity and the study of the Person, Nature and Work of Christ in the Bible. The fact that you tried to ridicule it rather than deal with it head on shows your lack of understanding.

With your cuts no lurker would know what the Sam hill we are talking about, that's the problem with your monster posts. Cut them down, or no one will read them, much less respond to them, wait, its that the point write such boring stuff and since your opponent can't red it without falling asleep, you win be default?
Well, it's an interesting approach to debate, I'll give you that much.

How Clintonesque. On the one hand DU complains for the length of these posts while not acknowledging the fact that his replies are much more. Then he derides the lurkerÂ’s ability to follow the links at the bottom of each post.

Now, the topic is Â…..

Totally unrelated to my post, must be answering some one else

U Said: Luke 23:42-42
There is no way for you or I to know if the Thief had been baptized, but Jesus knew. Your argument fails here.

Baptism for Christ was not instituted until after His resurrection. The thief was on the cross, there was no opportunity for him to be baptized, yet he was promised immediate access to heaven. The only failure is yours.

Other citations that are possible.

DU goes backwards here so just gobblygook.

I keep presenting truths here, truths like the spelling differences of different scribes, the list of over 3,000 changes with 90%+ being spelling, punctuation, and verses being added, I point out the corrections by Joseph to the scribe's errors on the manuscript that were never incorporated by the printer.
You drop this defeated argument and move to a new smear.

What DU is obfuscating here. I hardly dropped this argument. Apart from his “say so” regarding the spelling difference argument (minus any supporting documentation) it is the fact that mormon history teaches that the bom was translated virtually letter by letter and that the translation would not SUPERNATURALLY go forward until any error was corrected immediately. That was proven conclusively in my last post (and conveniently ignored by DU). Secondly, historical records by mormons of the period detail that there was very tight scrutiny of the first printing and that those errors were “minor’. The ‘corrections’ on the hand written ms came about after the first edition was printed and still do not account for the continued corrections through the history of the book (many as recent as 1964 – particularly the Mosiah/Benjamin corrections). Lds church history teaches this literal and detailed translation "... we heard a voice from out of the bright light above us, saying, 'These plates have been revealed by the power of God, and they have been translated by the power of God. The translation of them which you have seen is correct, and I command you to bear record of what you now see and hear.'" (History of the Church, by Joseph Smith, Vol. 1, pp. 54-55)
By this and the previous proofs, the manuscript was perfect, not needing the thousands of corrections. This teaching is supported by the lds official website in numerous articles. So if your failure to confront your own church teaching, history and other facts I presented, it is your acknowledgement of defeat, not mine.

Chiasmus, a literary structure used in semetic writings, unknown in Joseph Smith's day, but the Book of moon is chock full of them Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon.

At the risk of more whining by DU, who brings another topic on board (see end of post), IÂ’ll refer the reader to the following link, second topic down:
Chiasmus was not unknown at the time of Smith (contrary to mormon apologists). Mormon scholars have recognized that this literary form was known at that time. The bom has many examples and, at first sight, this seems impressive. Furthermore, while it is common in the Bible, Old and New Testaments it is by no means restricted to these. If Smith could draft chiasmic forms in the D&C he could have done the same with the bom - whether consciously or no.

These two papers (among many) one from Doctor who specializes in DNA, Address the Straw man argument posed by those attempting to use DNA as a scientific "cloak" for their straw man debunk the whole issue.

Book of moon – really. These strawman is that set up by mormon apologetics and are merely excuses for *lack* of evidence. The interested reader is referred to the following for an expanded commentary on the DNA and bom apologists:
Excepts from the link, in direct regard to the author DU put forth as his champion:

However, Meldrum and Stephens did not say this in the kind of clear fashion that would be required for a layperson to understand it. And then they go on set out a number of other theories, none of which are supported by any evidence, which could lead to the conclusion that the Native Americas did descend from the Israelites. So, given how oblique Meldrum and Stephens' statement against the Church's theory was, and how they indicated ways in which the Church's theory still could be true if evidence to support it was found, and how the Church's website referred to them as supporting the Church's position, most members who take the time to read what they have written will not understand it, and will likely conclude that these scientists are saying that science supports the Church's theory.

Each of the other articles referred to on the Church's website as supporting its position respecting the origin of the Native Americans takes a similar approach, but does not refer to the principle of parsimony. All they show is that science has not proven with 100% certainty that JS's theory of American Native origins is incorrect, and hence they invite Mormons to continue to believe that JS was correct.

For example, Michael F. Whiting (See "DNA and the Book of Mormon: A Phylogenetic Perspective") sets up a straw man by saying that LDS critics claim certain proof of BofM falsity based on DNA alone. He then sets out to prove that of course does so. The difficulty of proving a negative is well known. In addition, contrary to the belief of most non-scientists, science does not purport to prove anything with 100% certainty. Even the basic principles of mathematics were shown by Kurt Godel to be uncertain. So of course it has not been proven that JS was wrong. Without an assessment of the probability based on the best evidence available to date as to who is right and who is wrong, this type of analysis tells us nothing. I should be embarrassing to a scientist such as Whiting (who I understand is reputable) to provide such analysis.

When it comes to Lamanite DNA, the Mormon Church finds itself absolutely abandoned and on its own, with no place to turn (except inward) for support of its long-held, heretofore official, scripturally canonized and, now, totally repudiated position that Native Americans descended from Hebrews.
Where are the voices of the modern-day Mormon prophets on this one?

God having a father is not.,/I>

Your argument is no longer with me, it is with the Prophet Prime Smith and all the GAs and prophets that have continued this to this very day as doctrine. May be you should write them and inform them of their grave error on this doctrine.

Godzilla, if you cannot stick to one topic, and make more cogent posts, I will begin to edit your posts in my responses for a single topic, and for brevity.

Shall I call a waaaaaambulance for you on this too, how clintonesque. Even in your post to me you threw numerous other topics in and I have followed your posts, not adding to the topics. I see that you are totally ignorant as well, given that I split my response to you into three separate posts. Quit being a crybaby at postings that you enlarge.

Godzilla, you attack all the time, I have yet to see you testify as I just did. Is there a problem with asking you if you personally believe in the savior?

I believe in the Savior, it just isn’t the ‘savior’ of mormonism.

455 posted on 01/21/2008 7:51:47 AM PST by Godzilla (Forgive me, Gore, for I have emitted. (Tamar1973,
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