Placemark and agreement.
Obama runs away with SC primary
This election may very well hinge on the race issue. There is a very good chance that Hillary will not be the democrat nominee. There is also a very good chance that if Romney is the nominee, a good percentage of Evangelicals will stay home.
Just what will the MSM make of the racist past of the mormon church in their attempt to see that there is a democrat being sworn in as President in January 2008?
Just what kind of ads will be forthcoming from the Obama campaign? Little snippets like the following: I dont see anything further that we need to do. I dont hear any complaint from our black brethren and sisters. I hear only appreciation and gratitude wherever I go. - Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley, Mormon Leader Defends Race Relations, Los Angeles Times, September 12, 1998
"It's [LDS racism] behind us. Look, that's behind us. Don't worry about those little flicks of history."
- Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley, 60 Minutes Interview with Mike Wallace
Just a little "flick of history"..what a campaign visual.
There is SUCH gnashing of teeth here regarding BIGOTRY, but what about when the mormons are on the receiving end of the bigotry accusation?
You have White Men: 27 percent, and White Women: 22 percent from the above article voting for Obama...THAT'S in the SOUTH, people! Then you have approximately 20 percent of Evangelicals that have stated in poll after poll they will not vote for a mormon.
If you think Mitt Romney is going win the general election, you are drinking the kool-aid.