No tanti, show me where and when he last attended a JW meeting. Can you do it? All you have shown me is when he became a Presbyterian.
Here is a pro-JW article. Even IT states that Ida (Ike’s mom) was JW, but we had left many, many years before he ever considered running for POTUS.
So let me ask you this. What constitutes “membership” to you? Did you consider him a member because his mother was a member? Is it because he attended some services as a child. Even though he left the JWs and was shunned by them, you consider his still a JW. It’s a curious thing, my FRiend. The J-dubs didn’t consider him a member. HE didn’t consider himself a member. But you DO. Why?
You are a JW until you officially leave it. You are a Mormon until you officially leave it. Self-identification is irrelevant.
My next question for you is, why are you trying to deny the historical fact that Eisenhower was a JW when he was elected? Does it fly in the face of your insistence that only a mainstream Christian can make a good president?