>>>What changed today except perception<<<<
Maybe the markets are worried about another Jimmy Carter being elected president. The Big boys want to take their profits while the capital gains tax is still low...
I am at a loss for reason and logic! 8 consecutive days the Nasdaq has lost! The hemorrhage must stop! Mutual funds are getting hit hard!! I ask myself, who is doing the selling, what foreign country is selling, today at 3:00 P.M. exactly, the Dow, Nasdaq & the S&P went straight down. You can look at the chart and see all three went down in precisely the same pattern.
CFC or Countrywide opended @ $7.80 and about 3:00 on Marketwatch the rumor got started that CFC would file bankruptcy, about 4:00 P.M. CFC was selling at around $5.40 a share, lost about 31 percent and the trend line looked Bad. I am praying I hold out!!