In which newsletter was that published? Perhaps.....such an article doesn't exist and you made it up but don't let that stop from destroying a good man.
His own newsletter, with his freakin’ name as the header.
Unless we find dead babies under his house, you will still support this idiot.
If this happened to any other candidate, the supporters would leave in droves...but not you brainwashed Paulistinians. You’ll go down with the boat.
You use the same character assassination technique you suggest the writer may be using. You have no idea whether said article exists or not. Yet you 'suggest' the writer may making up words to defame a 'good man'. If you have proof this is so, prove it. Until you can, you have no honorable right to make such inflammatory suggestions. You don't like character assassination? Don't practice it!
Well, there’s the stuff in the New Republic articles, which we have here.
There is also the article WHICH I HAVE PERSONALLY READ in which the Ron Paul Freedom Report states that a cabal of “New York City Bankers” and their allies are seeking to control our government from within in order to assist their allies in Israel. Awesome!
Maybe it’s a stretch......
but I’m just assuming that “New York City Bankers” is simply yet another example of nutball shorthand for “DA JOOOOOOOS”.
I know, I know, sounds far fetched, but the “DA JOOS” are one of the oldest, most tried and true forms of wackery out there.
Several of the articles I perused in Spencer Library, explained how the American economy would collapse.
In 1985.
Or 1989.
Or was it 1994?
Doesn’t matter. In any event the only thing I could do was to BUY MORE GOLD and hide from the “URBAN HORDES” and assorted welfare masses that would come to get me.
Now again, I’m assuming “urban” and “welfare” is merely another use of keywords, wink wink, nod nod.
We all know who we are talking about right?
A few more gems from the Freedom Report involved international cabals, vast dark global conspiracies that are aligning against people like me!
It’s like Democratic Underground at 3:00am, except no profanity.
Granted, not all of the stuff was completely insane. And some times Ron Paul (or his mystery writers) actually made some sense.
And granted, I only read a few of them myself one afternoon after being tipped off by a friend last semester as to their humor potential. It also helps explain why Ron Paul would never, ever, be elected President of the United States.
And admittedly, I didn’t do a systematic survey of everything the guy (or the aforementioned mystery writer guy) has written.
But I read enough to realize Ron Paul is a nut or hangs out with nuts.
I also decided, based on my own readings, that Ron Paul or a mysterious someone he associates himself with, doesn’t like blacks, jews or gays very much. Sorry, not Jews, Zionist Bankers, dangit.
Oh, I also learned that I should BUY MORE GOLD!
If you want to read them yourself check your local research university or come visit: