This is an evangelical party, and they are responsible for who is elected, and what they do in office.
And government continues to grow at an alarming rate, year after year Americans are addicted literally and emotionally.
It is past time for that trend to end.
Early last year of the Republicans were celebrating what they perceived to be the death of the value voter. There was article after article about how Republicans could get back to being conservatives now that value voters were out of the equation. Then as one candidate after another declared, Republicans told value voters that should put aside their values and vote for this candidate or that or else all would be lost. Now they are miffed that the value voters did not do as they were told.
It is past time for that trend to end.
There have been three legs to the Republican stool for thirty plus years now, and it has been a winning combination. If you wish to go back to loosing elections, feel free to go ahead and saw off the value leg of the stool.
Huckabee will not win the nomination! But he will probably garner enough delegates going into the convention to make Republicans realize that they still need the value voter.
Yep, and Huckabee is just the sort of temper tantrum one can expect from people who have been spoiled rotten for years.