I'm glad hildebeast is finally crashing and burning....she may not be out yet but tomorrow's results in NH do not look promising for her! As for the repub side,,,,I like Tancredo but he's done and gone, I like Hunter but he's going nowhere, I like Romney and so far he's hanging in there, I do NOT like McCain, he just doesn't do it for me, he totally lost me on the amnesty thing, ron paul is out, Giuliani knows NH is a lost cause, Thompson doesn't do it for me,,,,,tomorrow will be interesting......
However seeing that there is no pure conservatives in the race no one will have the gumption to challenge Romney's conservative credentials.
However Romney doesn't appear to be shy about attacking the liberal credentials (flip-flops)of both Huckabee and McCain.
Looks like she's out to try to get the sympathy vote, with hurt feelings and now crocodile tears.
She may have to off hubby Bill as a trump card if nothing else works.