Now, that's what I call a not-very-veiled threat. Not only to Obama...but to the media.
They apparently know everything they need to know about Hillary...that's why she lost....duh, Mr. Penn.
That's exactly right. One of the attractions to being a machine politician in New York is the intimate, almost incestuous association with Big Media. I suspect that when Her Majesty was considering which state she would condescend to being elected from, that was a big factor. And, too, it was felt throughout the Clinton administration that media had put him in office ("it's the economy, stupid") and hence owned him, or at least access to him.
Obama is even more a creature of the media than BJ Billy, and Hil doesn't like it. Without a strong hand on the media levers her team becomes merely mortal (like all of the Republicans are and have been for the last few decades). That would be an immense loss of prestige and hence power for the New York machine.
It isn't happening. There are eight years of chits to call in and eight years' worth of bodies buried whose locations are on the Clinton rolodex. Obama is going to have to make a lot of promises to a lot of people in record time to avoid the avalanche. I don't think his team is up to it. Hil's is - that's what they do.