Yes, “sick” buildings with fluorescent lights are that way because the 60 cycle/sec current makes them dim-bright-dim-bright and your brain “reads” your eye input about 40 times/sec. That means there is a constructive/destructive interference beat that your brain is constantly trying to adjust to. This causes severe headaches in people living under fluorescent lights as in grocery stores, offices. To wit, you don’t notice the changing light levels that happen faster than you can blink your eye but your BRAIN does. So, will these new fluorescent lights come with instructions on how to blink your eye 30 times/sec(see only the bright peaks)?
Also, the incandescent bulb, as a thermal source, puts out the whole visible spectrum whereas the fluorescent only puts out certain, specific wavelengths that SEEM white but aren’t. So, yes, these fluorescent bulbs cost far more(JOY to mfgrs)and use less energy/lumen; but your BRAIN(and skin cancer for some)pays the price.
So fellow Frers, we can show scientifically why these new screw-in fluorescent bulbs are bad news, and that these lawyers in congress are lobbyist-bought dummies(the blind leading the blind...). Get the word out...
Thanks for taking the time to explain flourescent’s “bad vibes.” I will pass on the information.