I know a guy, has a bar. Little place. He sells, legally, over the counter a couple of cartons of cigs a week. It’s a pain, but he has to have’m. Anyways, he get a letter from the Tax Gestapo telling him that five years ago, that he missed a monthly federal tax payment on the cigs for like $17 bucks, and because of it, they wanted $4,000 in back taxes, fines, interest. (He has to figure out how many packs he sold every month, and every month cut the feds a check.) Anyways, knowing what sneaking bastards they are, he finds his canceled check that he wrote to FedGov. Goes to town hall, get’s a copy notarized, mails it in with a knee groveling you must be mistaken my Liege letter, and that’s that.
What it is, is a shake the tree sortie. They know it, they just are now going around and seeing if you can prove, years later, if you were clear.
he get a letter from the Tax Gestapo telling him that five years ago, that he missed a monthly federal tax payment on the cigs for like $17 Yet another apocryphal story.
In this case, I suspect that your buddy is pulling your leg for whatever reason. Tax enforcement personnel have better things to do than bother anyone about $17 for this year or any year.
I know, you're ready to man the ramparts against the "Tax Gestapo," but you really ought to come up with a better reason than some fantasy.