Actually, no. While the personal faith of a political candidate is important to me in assessing their approach to issues of morality, I don't expect the POTUS to run as a "Christian leader". Additionally, Mr. Huckabee has clearly shown himself not to be ready for prime time as POTUS (his multiple foreign policy gaffes being just one example). IMO, he's an Arkansas liberal, who is pro-life. He also seems to exploit his Christianity more than modeling it.
I do expect the POTUS candidate that I support to be strong on pro-life issues. The endorsement of the NRLC is a strong indication of that which is why I "am for" Fred Dalton Thompson.
I will vote for Fred Thompson if he is the nomination, I will not vote for Mike Huckabee if he is the nomination, but insulting Romney on Family Values by so called family leaders is not going to help Fred Thompson one way or the other.