To: ejonesie22
Actually while I am very hopeful and feel good about his chance, the more I see and hear out there the more I realize that Iowa and the other early sates may not matter in the long run for FDT.I figure if he even gets fourth in IA, he could spend the next week and a half focusing on SC and win that. Huckabee will implode by then and Romney's dog won't hunt down there, no matter what size check he writes.
29 posted on
01/02/2008 9:08:17 AM PST by
To: Mensius
Look deeper into the south...
This is all about time and position, and somethings that I have heard and seen are making more sense, indeed have changed my thoughts on the initial strategy, or should I say the events have changed the strategy and I am learning anew...
31 posted on
01/02/2008 9:15:07 AM PST by
(In America all people have a right to be wrong, some just exercise it a bit much...)
To: Mensius
If he can do second or third in Iowa he can just ignore NH and focus on SC and Florida. A win in SC with a strong showing in Florida, Iowa and the Wyoming caucuses can give him enough momentum to cruise through Super Tuesday.
And then I shall much enjoy pinging a few dozen FReeper armchair political strategists to their wildly inaccurate predictions.
33 posted on
01/02/2008 9:17:02 AM PST by
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