See my post above.
I'm voting in nine days. If I was not an FR addict, I would have never heard of Duncan Hunter.
I've had at least fifteen contacts in the last ten days from the Tancredo people, even though he's dropped out.
Hunter has no campaign and no presence here, and I absolutely consider that to be an "actual fault of the candidate".
Oh, yes, and by the way (from the start of this thread), accepting an endorsement from something both arrogantly and blasphemously called "God voters" shows an astounding lack of discernment about the electorate and electoral politics.
Any candidate for national office who could imagine for a second that such an endorsement would not cost him 3 votes for every vote gained is unqualified to be a major party nominee.
Yes, and the lack of media coverage, right? All Hunter’s fault for being TOO GOOD when people do see him. He has the record and personal qualities. You are not making a convincing case to not vote for him.