Her assassination was inevitable because she wouldnt take proper precautions. Her followers are socialist fanatics who will try to pin this on Musharriff for strictly political purposes.And our own socialist fanatics -- CNN, Clinton, and others -- will do what they can from here to destabilize Pakistan on the time-tested theory that "anything bad for America is good for the American Left".
The people who are blaming Musharriff for the Bhutto assassination are the same kind of people who are blaming George Bush for the WTC 9/11.
They are poisoned with hate , so they make up crazy stories, and actually believe them.
THinking about this, though, I fear that the Facists have played the cards too early, that if this spirals out of control before Queen Charlatan is coronated, that the American People just might see the handwriting on the wall and go for a gumment that is committed to defending Liberty. I sure hope so.