Those are the only two Palestinian terrorists I've ever seen or met in the Washington DC area.
Before they were really famous the State Department used to invite them over for meetings of various kinds, then they ended up killing too many people to make that sort of thing comfortable anymore so they quit making the visits.
They both "worked for the man" and he was in Moscow. If "the man" had found out about those early visits to Washington I'm pretty sure they'd found their funds cut off and someone else brought in to replace them.
Sometimes this is one doggone stange place.
“....Before they were really famous the State Department used to invite them over for meetings of various kinds, then they ended up killing too many people to make that sort of thing comfortable anymore so they quit making the visits.
They both “worked for the man” and he was in Moscow. If “the man” had found out about those early visits to Washington I’m pretty sure they’d found their funds cut off and someone else brought in to replace them.
Sometimes this is one doggone stange place....”
And the “man” was Yuri Andropov. But I’m not sure which visits you are referring to. Earlier than the ones to the UN in the early 1970s and to Carter a few years later? My understanding was that Arafat was completely controlled by the KGB even as a snot-nose in the 1960s. I’m not disputing you, but I’d be amazed to learn that Arafat “stepped out” on the KGB—seems more likely (to me) some sort of play-act engineered by Andropov—??