Thompson 65.8%
Romney 13.5%
Giuliani 9.1%
Huckabee 6.4%
McCain 5.1%
I think that the MSM has it wrong. Just my opinion, though.
FR polls don’t reflect Republican sentiment nationwide, or if they do, it’s only rarely.
FR is comprised mostly of staunch conservatives, as opposed to those who have more moderate or liberal leanings, but still vote Republican.
It has a very high percentage of people who are either one-issue voters, or third-party types. Not the majority, by any stretch, but a far higher percentage than is reflective of the national electorate.
The Free Republic polls reflect the sentiment at this forum, and shouldn’t be extrapolated any further than that.
I pity the poor pollers who are trying to get a grasp on this race in any event. I don’t know how you contact a representative sample. We have many people, particularly those under age 30, who have no phone except their cellphone. And pollsters can’t call cellphones.
An entire demographic is missing. Add to that those who have unlisted phone numbers for their landline. The pollsters can’t call them, either.
How does anyone know how those two groups are leaning at the moment?
Add to that the fact that people are focused on using gift cards, exchanging gifts, watching football, traveling, or whatever this week.
You can poll, but your confidence level has to be horrible.
More than a few of us have had to abstain from the current poll... How about a "None of the Above"?