No it doesn't.
For one thing, increased costs are born part by the seller and part by the buyer. Who pays what is set by supply/demand market forces (google "supply demand economics" to learn more).
Another thing is that I don't pay even the market portion of those taxes when I spend my money outside the US.
In addition, nobody here believes that a federal sales tax would be levied only after income tax collection is stopped. We all know that knowing our government that we'd end up paying both.. OK, at least for a short time --say 50 years?
Anything which increases costs in a business can accrue to only three places or any combination thereof.
1. They can reduce the ROI of the owners of the business.
2. They can reduce the wages and benefits of the workers who actually produce the good or service. or
3 They wind up in the price(s) of those goods and services.
Where is the most likely place for them to go?
You optimist, you!
Merry Christmas, m'friend, and best of the New Year to you!