Are they more responsive to market needs of Pharmaceutical companies
Perhaps, but at the same time they have become more responsive to the health care market needs of the consumer. We lead the world in advances in therapeutic medications. And yes pharma ceos - and top-level chemists , physicians and biologists are becoming wealthy.
The number of OTC drugs has certainly been convenient. Has it helped the pharma companies as well?
Not just convenient - it has reduced the costs to the consumer. —While at the same time perhaps increasing profits to the pharma companies. I believe in market capitalism and this is an example of the government getting out of the way (as you would advocate) for a win-win.
Thanks for your answer.
I generally agree with your statements.
Speculative question - if this were disadvantageous to pharma companies (for whatever reason), would it still be happening? I realize the FDA has long been criticized for being slower than its european counterparts regardless of pharma company opinions.