Which tells us the rabid Bush haters here at FR have NO clue what they are talking about.
Curious what you 100%er Freeper purists around here with your hysteric ignorant screaming about dogmatic purity would of said about a President who signed 6 tax hikes? Signed a real Illegals Amnesty? Appointed a liberal to the Supreme Court? Doubled Federal Spending in 8 years? Spent Record Deficits? Ran away from a Muslim Terrorist threat? Played diplomatic footsie with Irans mullahs?
That President was Ronald Reagan. So not even the greatest President of the 20th Century could measure up to standard being demanded by the by you purist bigots
Nothing in life is ever perfect. Adult minds accept that and fight like heck to see as much as possible of what they want done gets done. Childish minds, and certain pseudo Conservative talking heads, whine hysterically because their political glass is only 70% full.
Tell all that to the families of Ramos and Compean, or the next victims of illegal alien crime.