Had to make an errand into College Station so ended up going to Barnes & Noble and purchasing the paperback version.
Unfortunately, the only ones in stock had Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts plastered on the front cover....but que sera, sera.....
Cant wait to start reading it.....
Yes, the ultra libs are sure shoving it down our throats. Hubby and I also bought the book today even after I saw flattorney's posted comment about it.
[ Crile, who passed away May 15, 2006, was a controversial ultra liberal that loathed the GOP and conservatives. Many parts of his book are Criles own fictional fantasies that are without basis. That stated, it is still a very good read, just take it with a grain and reason to explore further if interested. - FlA ]
It was only $15 plus tax. Like my husband said it is only a movie, only a book, and we don't get educated by liberals anyway. He raised his voice on the liberals part. Some of the book's critical reviews say even with it's fictional inclusions and liberal embellishment it is still a good spy novel.