The young lady needed more than a new liver ~ just read the story ~ she had a succession of serious health failures.
Sometimes stuff happens and people die.
From what I get in the article, the family paid for insurance, the procedure was approved, then denied (for reasons unnamed [MONEY]), then re-approved when the insurance company got caught NOT honoring their CONTRACT.
It’s not as if the family didn’t have coverage. From what I see, and I’ll admit freely I don’t have all the pertinent information, the insurance company reneged on its obligations, and the insurer’s drone made a decision that was a rather draconian “bottom line” choice.
The folks paid thir premiums, and expected the insurer to keep up its end of the agreement. Lawsuit for breach of contract, and probably culpable for untimely death in a civil suit.
It’s NOT the tort system ths time, but a series of REALLY poor decisions and unfortunate developments that ended up breaking a contract and contributing to the death of a young lady.
Quite sad, really. For ALL parties involved.