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To: neverdem
Derbyshire is right. Most of the candidates have no interest in limited government, and Washington is now a bloated and corrupt imperial city, a standing affront to the principles of Reaganism.

We will know we have had successful conservative governance when the DC suburbs start experiening a deep and prolonged population decline.

14 posted on 12/20/2007 1:19:51 PM PST by Thorin ("I won't be reconstructed, and I do not give a damn.")
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To: Thorin
Derbyshire is right. Most of the candidates have no interest in limited government, and Washington is now a bloated and corrupt imperial city, a standing affront to the principles of Reaganism.

True enough. But what value will there be in being issued school vouchers when the only schools we will have to choose from are madrassas?

17 posted on 12/20/2007 2:16:29 PM PST by BlazingArizona
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To: Thorin

The Derb has been attracted to RP just like the Evans to Huck...the other candidates seem like just mor of the same crappy Compassionate un-conservative.....this is freaking too bad....if Fred can’t get off the ground who is left?

25 posted on 12/20/2007 3:26:26 PM PST by iopscusa (El Vaquero. (SC Lowcountry Cowboy))
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To: Thorin
Washington is now a bloated and corrupt imperial city, a standing affront to the principles of Reaganism.

To hell with Reaganism, Washington is an affront to true Constitutional governance and probably has been since about 1861, definitely since 1933. Saint Ron himself was not able to turn the tide -- remember closing the Dept. of Education?? I am as much a fan of Ronald Reagan and what he stood for as anyone on this forum but we must face the fact that it would require a miracle of Lazarus proportions to properly restore Constitutional government (and Ron Paul definitely does not have that power or talent).

From my curmudgeonly perspective, the US is in the proverbial handbasket and it is getting mighty toasty as we skip merrily down the primrose path, IMO.

49 posted on 12/21/2007 7:32:50 AM PST by T-Bird45 (It feels like the seventies, and it shouldn't.)
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