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To: NYC Republican

I posted Inhofe`s article in another forum. The AGW fanatics immediately trashed and disregarded it. (what a shock) They said Inhofe`s site is an unreliable source, that Inhofe either misquoted the scientists or quoted them out of context, or if those scientists actually did say what was quoted, they are all flat-earthers and can be and should be ignored.

79 posted on 12/21/2007 2:57:24 AM PST by chessplayer
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To: NYC Republican; jdm; Sgt_Schultze; xcamel; Tolerance Sucks Rocks; militem; ...

Albert Arnold “Al” Gore Jr. Orchestrates One of the Biggest Frauds in History

FR Threads: Al Gore | Global Warming | "An Inconvenient Truth" | Live Earth | Leonardo DiCaprio - "The 11th Hour"

Live Earth
The Concerts for a Climate in Crisis
July 7, 2007
FlA says, A movie and global concerts sponsored by ultra liberal liars,
frauds, & corporate moneygrap mouthpieces

An Inconvenient Truth (2006) - | The 11th Hour (2007) | Live Earth (2007)
There are many Soros Shadow Party and other ultra liberal action group websites spun off the three events.
Interesting these two movies and Live Earth are during ramp-up stages of the Democrats' presidential campaigns.

        Frankly, I've never had a problem with Al Gore. He's entitled to his opinions and there is no law against being ignorant. But when he used Live Earth (“LE”), and it’s global simulcast, to promote the ultra radical and several other ultra left wing George Soros Shadow Party LE backers, the man lost all credibility and became an enemy of our great Country and the principles it stands for. All the Al Gore LE speeches, along with the liberal fools butt kissing like he was the second coming of Christ, were a disgusting joke. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s LE speech was nothing short of bizarre. The ignorant fool acted like he had rabies. Don’t get me wrong, I though LE has some great performances. I personally thought the Top 5 were, in order (stage), Foo Fighters (UK), Spinal Tap (UK) (exclusive LE reunion), Lenny Kravitz (South America); Keith Urban (US) and Metallica (UK). But I hated the Live Earth fraudulent purpose and message.
        Leonardo DiCraprio tried his hand at an absolute nonsense man-made global warming movie by producing and narrating "The 11 Hour". The extreme borefest and fraudulent movie was released August 17, 2007. The movie earned only $836,047 as of its in-theaters close out date of October 4, 2007, and its widest release was only 111 theaters. By comparison, Al Bore's completely bogus and fraudulent "An Inconvenient Truth" (2006) movie was in a maximum of 587 U.S. theaters during its worldwide 5 month in-theaters run. AIT grossed $24,146,161 in the U.S. and $24,957,008 in international markets, for a worldwide box office total of $49,103,169. Financially AIT was very successful due to its very low production cost.
        Al Gore, like many other heavyweight members of the George Soros Shadow Party (SSP) uses highly questionable causes like Al's movie and Live Earth to raise substantial funds to then funnel to Democratic candidates and other SSP front operations. Al Gore's statement that "the entire global scientific community has a consensus on the question that human beings are responsible for global warming" is outright prima facie fraudulent. Al saying Hurricane Katrina was caused by man-made global warning is scum of the earth criminal. The AIT movie stating that ...."in fact, you can even reduce your carbon emissions to zero" is blatant fraud in the inducement. If Al was an uneducated dumb ass I might understand these incredibly ignorant statements. But he is a very smart guy.
        Does our great Country need to significantly reduce enviromental pollutions along with substantially reduce our oil consumption? Without question the answer is yes and I 100% support all properly balanced reductions based on hard facts, both on a macro and micro basis. But Al Gore and the Democrats~Soros Shadow Party could care less about the aforementioned. All they care about is perpetuating a massive fraud on the public in order to generate huge personal profits and fund Democratic-Soros Shadow Party candidates.
White Paper: Falsehoods in Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth"
- - An Inconvenient Truth” is something you rarely see in movies today: a blatant intellectual fraud. Shame on all of the people involved in this travesty. IAT is a fictional cult drama movie, not a scientific documentary.
Nationally noted movie critic Roger Ebert's 4 Star Review of “An Inconvenient Truth” (4 out of 4 Stars max)
- - This is a perfect example of a MSM "me too" idiot who has never taken the time to research the facts.
11.27.07 - FR: Politicizing Science? New 8 & up children's book debunks man-made global warming hysteria. – “The Sky's Not Falling: Why It's OK to Chill about Global Warming" by Holly Fretwell
FR: Al Gore Causes Global Warming | 02.26.07: Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use Is His Own “Inconvenient Truth”
- - Gore’s home uses more than 20 times the national average. In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.
        Last night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy. Gore’s mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES). In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home. The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.
        Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359. Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006. Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.
        “As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

Chart: Al Gore's Energy Consumption vs Global Averages | Wall Street Journal: An Inconvenient Pool
- - Gore’s heated poolhouse burns more natural gas -- $500 a month worth -- than most of us can afford to use while heating houses that shelter people. But Gore has a clear conscience because he claims he purchases "carbon offsets" to make up for his rampant energy use. The life of the hypocritical rich. – READ FULL ARTICLE
02.28.07: Al Gore: The Profit Of Doom | More: Gore Buys "Carbon Offsets" from his own company
Al Gore's Inconvenient Loot | Diagnosing Al Gore: Truth in the Balance | Al Gore's Science Fiction
Debunking Mad-made Global Warming | The Global Warming Hoax | 12.11.07: FR Sourcery's G.W. Hoax Reference Links
Greenie Watch | Junk Science - - Junk Science will award $150,000 to the first person to prove in a scientific manner that human emissions of greenhouse gases will cause catastrophic global climate change. To-date no one has claimed the award.

Frauds Al Gore and IPCC Win 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
Norwegian Nobel Committee Announcement 10.12.07: Al Gore and IPCC Win 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
12.10.07: Al Gore's Nobel Lecture, Oslo, Norway - Video & Transcript | Al Gore ‘07 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate page
2007 Nobel Peace Prize homepage | Nobel Peace Price Winners 1904-2007
Al Gore homepage | The Alliance for Climate Protection (Al Gore-SSP) | The Climate Project (Al Gore-SSP)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) homepage

10.12.07, FlAttorney says: Al Gore uses his highly fraudulent and public hysteria movie and efforts to co-win the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize along with socialist propaganda Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He and IPCC received the award for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change. The socialist Nobel Peace Prize Committee gave Al Gore & IPCC the award as a slap to Republicans and our American culture and way of life. Further, socialist scumbag and billionaire George Soros personally knows three of five 2007 Noble Peace Prize Committee members. Who knows how much money and influence he gave these political clowns to make this happen. The Noble Peace Prize has become nothing more than a political tool and a disgusting joke. This is why complete frauds and buffoons like Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan, and Yasser Arafat have won the Nobel Peace Prize. Alfred Nobel must being rolling in his grave over the farce this award has become. It was interesting how Fraud Gore made a big deal that he was not going to personally keep the $750,000 he received for winning the prize. Gore then donates the money to his George Soros Shadow Party non-profit organization that Al founded, controls, and is Chairman of the Board being The Alliance for Climate Protection.
12.16.07-FR: IPCC Nobel winner calls IPCC report: "Dishonest Political Tampering with the Science on Global Warming"
12.10.07-FR: Texts of '07 Noble Peace Prize Acceptance Speeches by Al Gore & IPCC
10.12.07-FR: Al Gore (and the IPCC) Win Nobel Peace Prize
10.14.07: Nobel Prize Ignores Gore's Inconvenient Untruths | 10.10.07: Al Gore Not Deserving of Noble Peace Prize
10.13.07: Money & Connections Behind Gore’s Carbon Crusade | 09.01.07: Carbon Credits Not All They’re Cracked Up to Be
Petition Project: 19,000 American Scientists Say Al Gore-IPCC Wrong on Global Warming Claims
11.26.07 - Newsweek: Al Gore Now Worth More Than $100 Million - - Al Gore just won a Nobel Prize for teaching the world to think green, but he's also showing he knows a thing or two about another kind of green: money. Since 2000, according to published reports, the former V.P. has transformed himself from a public servant with around $1 million in the bank to a sparkling private consultant with a net worth estimated to be north of $100 million. - READ FULL ARTICLE
12.05.07 - Wall Street Journal: The Science? of Gore's Nobel - - The Nobel Committee might as well have called it Al Gore's Inner Peace Prize, given the way it seems designed to help him disown his lifelong ambition to become president in favor of a higher calling, as savior of a planet. The media will be tempted to blur the fact that his medal, which Mr. Gore will collect on Monday in Oslo, isn't for "science." In fact, a Nobel has never been awarded for the science of global warming. Even Svante Arrhenius, who first described the "greenhouse" effect, won his for something else in 1903. Yet now one has been awarded for promoting belief in manmade global warming as a crisis. - READ FULL ARTICLE
12.09.07-FR: Live Dec 10 Webcast from Norway: Al Gore Accepts Nobel Peace Prize & Speech
Al Gore's Dubious School Record
By Jennifer C. Braceras, Attorney and Research Fellow, Harvard Law School
- - Abstract: Gore's undergraduate transcript from Harvard is riddled with C's, including a C-minus in introductory economics, a D in one science course, and a C-plus in another. "In his sophomore year at Harvard," the Washington Post reported, "Gore's grades were lower than any semester recorded on Bush's transcript from Yale." Moreover, Gore's graduate school record - consistently glossed over by the press - is nothing short of shameful. In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of "Inventing Al Gore," he received F's in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school. Nor did Gore graduate from Vanderbilt Law School, where he enrolled for a brief time and received his fair share of C's. <> Full Article

Albert Arnold Gore's supreme all-knowing advisor and secret brother.
Arnold Ziffel from the television show "Green Acres"

U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK)
The Al Gore Global Warming MythBuster
Succeeding Tom Delay in sticking it up the ultra liberals *beep*

"Al you’re full of crap. All recent science on your man-made global warming
claims confirms it’s a hoax.” – James “The Al Gore MythBuster” Inhofe, March 2007

FR Threads: James Inhofe | James Inhofe - Global Warming
12.20.07: U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims
12.10.07: Climate Bill Will Devastate American Families and Jobs by Sen. James Inhofe | FR Thread
10.26.07: Inhofe Slams Al Gore and Climate Alarmism in Historic Two Hour Speech
10.26.07: Inhofe blasts Leonardo DiCaprio for Scaring Kids over Man-Made Global Warming Hoax
10.26.07: Inhofe Reveals How Activists Believe Global Warming has 'Co-opted' The Environmental Movement
10.18.07: Inhofe Slams New Global Warming Cap & Trade Bill as all "Ecomonic Pain For No Climate Gain"
U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works - EPW Members
James Inhofe - Minority Leader's homepage (Previous Majority Leader) | Inhofe: EPW Press Blog | EPW Videos
Al Gore's Refusal To Take The "Personal Energy Ethics Pledge"
- - “Man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people" - James Inhofe
“Hot & Cold Media Spin: A Challenge To Journalists Who Cover Global Warming”
- - In a major global warming speech on September 25, 2006, Senator Inhofe debunked the science in Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth".
A Skeptic's Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism (68 Page Booklet, PDF - 2.3 MB)
- - 12.08.06: Senator Inhofe Announces Public Release of "A Skeptic's Guide to Debunking Global Warming"
Video: Sen Inhofe debunks the science in Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth"
10.04.04: James Inhofe EPW Committee Speech
- - Re: Environmental groups using their tax-exempt IRS registered 501(c)(3) charitable organizations as front operations for the Democrats-Soros Shadow Party.
Other James Inhofe EPW Floor Speeches when he was Majority Chairman
James Inhofe 2008 U.S. Senate Re-Election Campaign
Because of a George Soros Shadow Party National defeat initiative,
Jim faces one of the toughest ’08 reelections in the Country. - Read More >

Source: FlAttorney’s FR "Straight Talk" page

80 posted on 12/21/2007 4:10:04 AM PST by flattorney (See my comprehensive FR Profile "Straight Talk" Page)
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To: chessplayer
They said Inhofe`s site is an unreliable source,

I wouldn't say that. It's very reliably and favorably biased toward all skeptical arguments against global warming, no matter the quality.

96 posted on 12/21/2007 7:17:55 AM PST by cogitator
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