Anyway, it is a mechanical process but cannot be done by human hands because it is so small and delicate, has to be done by a chemical process which is mind boggling.
God can do anything it says in the bible, but it sure doesn't tell us HOW. Plus there is much that went on behind the scenes so to speak God probably didn't choose to reveal even if people of the times would have understood what it or meant for latter times, some of which was revealed in strange visions, like chariots with wings, guessing a chariot of the times with birds' wings. Nothing seems to have been revealed in biblical times in images such as we have today like airplanes. I think a vision of the real thing then they would have understood the purpose, but not of everything we now have like a can opener for instance. Some may have been known and just somehow not gotten recorded plus some of the extra-biblical books might have details in them that are true, and some of the obscure Christians like the Coptics and the ones that speak Aramaic no doubt had slightly different versions of the scriptures, all very interesting.
They was a comment about cloning Jesus. What would they use for source material? I wouldn't accept that, but it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they could can't think of the word, work it out backwards somehow. If there is any truth to the Shroud and miracle of Lanciano, there would be that. But the most interesting thing is that every cell in the body contains the complete DNA code, then identical twins and triplets (rare) have the same code; otherwise it seems to be unique.
I thought that I read that most of the human body after death ultimately decays over time, bones, hair and teeth last the longest, plus people who were cremated, no DNA material left for the resurrection, not that it will be needed. But Jesus said not one hair on our heads would be lost, something to that effect. I assumed literally it meant that in the resurrection, we would have x number of hairs, now that makes no sense at all because at different times in our lives the count would be different. Final thought is that I thought I read hair decays very slowly, don't know if completely unless burned. But Jesus said God could raise children of Abraham from the stones, I believe he meant that literally, so I don't know what will be involved in the resurrection, what code would be used. Just as well.
Fascinating frontier we findourselves on, some may be a good thing, and some of it is bound to be misused. A scientist would find my thinking laughable and, of those, some the religious part of it wacky.