Are you a lunatic or are you just obsessed with making sure everyone agrees with you.
You accepted that you were trashing the effort to expose and punish the wrong doers:
ME: So you're willing to trash an effort to expose and punish wrongful actions on the part of Duke and Durham because YOU think Americans are sue happy, and that these guys are greedy little bastards.
YOU: Yep.
You then stated this:
Are you going to trash my efforts to expose and punish these wrongdoers? If so then YOU are enabling these wrongdoers to get away with their wrongdoing.
As I said above, I would agree with your assertion about enabling the laxers' wrongful acts IF their exposure and punishment had not already occurred.
So you DID accept that you were trashing the effort to expose and punish the wrongdoers at Duke and Durham, and you DID assert that trashing an effort to expose and punish the laxers' would constitute enabling their wrongdoing.
Seems pretty clear to me that you have already accepted the enabling charge.